Chapter 31

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Stevie's POV

"I can't fucking reach it, who even put this up here?" I grumble to myself while I try my best to grab the salt from the top shelf.

As I stretch and stand on my toes to attempt to reach it, I feel Eddie's stomach press against my back and see his tattooed arm reach out in front of me and pull the salt from its place on the shelf.

"Here you go, m'lady." He says with a terrible British accent as he kisses the top of my head before placing the shaker on the counter in front of me.

"Thank you, kind sir." I mimic a posh British accent, much better than he did and he fake swoons, holding his chest.

"I love it when you talk fancy." He groans jokingly as he leans against the counter and watches my every move as I cook.

"Here, try this." I say as I scoop a small spoonful of the pasta sauce and hold it to his face. "Wait, you're not allergic to anything right?" I ask, pulling the spoon away before he can get his lips around it.

"Only garlic." He shrugs and my eyes widen.

"There's garlic in this! And my lasagna! And almost every meal I've ever cooked! Why didn't you tell me Eddie?" I shout, panicked and he just shrugs and tells me it's 'not that serious'. "Oh yeah? What happens if you eat garlic?"

"My mouth goes fuzzy and weird, sometimes my skin goes red and blotchy and I always get sick, like really sick. It's not bad enough for me to need one of those pen things though, more like an intolerance than an allergy." He says like it's the most normal thing and I close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Eddie." I sigh and hear him practically moan and my eyes pop out of my fucking skull, not because of the heavenly sound he made but, because of what he says after.

"Fuck that's good."

I snap my head towards him and see him with his thumb up and nodding his head vigorously, holding a fucking spoon with the remnants of the pasta sauce on it.

"Did you eat some?!" I exclaim, grabbing the spoon and throwing it in the sink before looking at him and seeing a confused look on his face.

"Yeah? You told me to try it."

"Yeah, before I knew you had a garlic allergy!" I pick up the pot with the sauce in it and carry it into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He's hot on my heels as I walk out of the kitchen and I scoff. "Dumping it."

"What? Why? It's delicious and wouldn't that take ages?"

"It's gonna make you sick! I'm dumping it and remaking it, without garlic. I also don't give two shits about how long it'll take, wouldn't you rather wait a little longer and eat good food that won't make you need to puke it out? And what if this time it's not just sickness and it really affects you, i don't want that." I tell him and I don't miss the smile that ghosts his lips.

"You don't have to, I eat garlic all the time. Unless Wayne's made dinner."

"Just because you don't care if you get sick, doesn't mean I'm the same. I don't want you sick because of my cooking and your secret garlic allergy. I don't want you sick in general!"

"Intolerance." He corrects me with a point of his finger and I scowl, shoving my own finger into his chest.

"I'm beginning to lose all tolerance for you Munson." I mumble, walking him backwards into the kitchen and starting on the new pot of sauce, with no garlic.

Vienna - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now