Chapter 3

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Stevie's POV


Same old routine, different day of the week.

The only thing that's different today is the fact that Dustin rode his bike to school so I didn't have to take him in and he also doesn't have that D&D club thing.

Store? Opened.
Guitars? Tuned.
Counters? Cleaned.
Old couple? They bought Purple Rain by Prince.

So now here I am, sitting at the Piano at eleven o'clock in the morning. The store's been dead for at least three hours and I've never been so bored out of my mind in my nine-teen years of life.

I mean...I may as well do something with my time right?

Bringing my painted nails to the keys of the piano, I smirk as I play the four fast yet simple chords that always make my lips turn up into a wide grin without fail.

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain!" I sing embarrassingly loud with a laugh as I play through one of my favourite songs to ever exist.

"Kiss me baby! Oh that feels go-"

I immediately stop when I hear the door bell chime, signalling that someone's just entered the store.

Shooting up from the piano bench, I quickly make my way to the front desk when I hear a voice shouting, obnoxiously loudly.

"Jack! I need strings man!"

"Do I look like Jack?" I scoff as I get to the desk to finally see who the loud mouthed culprit is.

"No you do not..." I hear the voice say, hearing the obvious smirk splayed on their lips, "Well if it isn't other Henderson!"

I finally see who it is and attempt to hide my smile, "Eddie Munson." I chuckle, "Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask with a laugh.

"Skipped." He shrugs as if it's just another day for him, "I need strings."

"I did hear." I state, dragging my eyes up and down his form subtly.

At least I pray it was subtle.

"I'm assuming you know where they are."

"Indeed I do." He says, leaning his elbows on the desk and grinning.

"I can't ring them up if you don't go get them, Munson." I chuckle and he nods.


Eddie disappears from my sight as he heads to the back of the store to find the strings. Deciding to follow him to the back, I stand next to him as he's pulling a pack off the rack.

"What guitar do you have?" I wonder, "B.C Rich, Warlock." He answers, checking the label on the strings packet.

"Metal head huh? Never would've guessed." I say sarcastically, "Well you've picked up the wrong strings." I smirk and pick up a packet of Ernie Ball strings. "They're nickel wound and they're thinner. Better for shredding, which is what I assume you like to do." I explain as I hold them out to him and he just looks at them and then back at my face.

"But I always use these ones and they work fine." He argues with a raised eyebrow.

"Trust me."

He eyes me for a second before he groans and nods. "You're lucky you're hot." He mumbles but I hear him and smirk.

"You're not so bad yourself." I laugh before I take the packet out of his hands and head down to the desk to ring it up.

"So you made those peanut butter cookies right?" He asks, leaning against the desk and I nod. "Can you make me some?"

Vienna - Eddie MunsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang