Chapter 22

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Eddie's POV

"I still can't believe you gave my mom weed, and to think I couldn't have a beer." Dustin grumbled as we walked out of school, down the long sideway towards the parking lot.

"First off, I'm not the one who told you no." I stated, "And Second, She asked me for it, what was I supposed to do say no?"

"Yes! It's weird!" He yells, throwing his hands in the air, "I didn't think my mom was like that!"

"In my defense, I didn't know she was your mother until after giving her the joint." We walked over to my van and I hopped into the driver's seat. "And I think that it makes your mom way cooler, don't ya think?"

"No! Maybe! I don't know!" He yells again standing beside the van, not getting in. Stevie asked me to bring him home and he's making it difficult not to just leave him in the parking lot.

"Can you get your ass in the van?" I groan, leaning over and throwing the door open for him.

"Not with that attitude, I'm not!" He smirks, crossing his arms and taking a step back.

"Dustin Henderson, I will leave your ass here. I'm not afraid."

"Alright. I'm coming." He mutters and is about to get in the van, "Ooo! A Quarter!" He stops and bends over, then stands up with the quarter in hand. "25 cent richer. Oh Yeah."

"Jesus Christ." I sigh, laying my head against the steering wheel. "No wonder your mother smokes weed. She'd have to smoke to be able to deal with your ass."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He climbs in the car and pulls the door shut.

"Ooo! Shining thing." I mocked, turning the key and pulling out of the parking lot. "Your sister does the same thing."

"Bold words from the guy who didn't find the quarter." He says, and flips the quarter in the air.

"I will throw you out of this car, I swear to God, Henderson."

The ten minute drive to the house felt like an eternity. This kid really knows how to push some buttons. He's grabbing stuff from the back, asking me about it, as if he's never seen half the stuff before. He grabbed my crate of cassette tapes and started sifting through it like an animal in garbage.

"Woah! Easy there, Tiger. What are you doing?" I ask putting my hand on the crate. "You gotta treat the tapes with respect! Some of them are older than you!"

"Black Sabbath. Master of Reality." Dustin read out, flipping the tape over before setting the crate between his feet. "Is this good?"

"Is Master of Reality good?" I scoffed. "Yes it's good. Better than good." We pull into the Henderson Driveway and he sets the tape onto the dashboard. He picks up the crate and places, back where it was behind his seat.

"Looks pretty cool. We should listen to it the next time you bring me home." He picks up the tape again, giving it another quick look before handing it to me. He opens the door and hops out, starting towards his door. I fidget with the tape before shutting off the van.

"Hey Dustin!" I yell, climbing out and walking towards the door. He stops right before the door and turns back to me. "Catch!" I toss him the tape and when he catches it his eyes, he gives me a look of confusion mixed with happiness. "If you are gonna ride in my van again you gotta have to have a better taste in music."

"Really?" He smiles at me and his eyes light up as I step to him.

"Listen to the tape and then we'll see what you think." I say walking past him, opening the door and motioning for him to walk inside.

"STEVIE! STEVIE! LOOK! EDDIE GAVE ME A CASSETTE TAPE AND I FOUND A QUARTER!" I laugh and hang my head. I gave the kid a tape but he still seems more excited about a goddamn quarter. I walk into the house and I watch as Dustin runs to his room. I walk into the kitchen where Stevie is at.

"What tape did you give him? He was so excited he didn't show me before he ran off." Stevie smiles at me. I give her a quick kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Black Sabbath. Master of Reality."

"He's really excited about it. I'm sure he'll listen to it all by tomorrow." She smiles again and starts swaying the both of us.

"He seemed more excited about the damn quarter." I laugh, kissing her again.

"No, you didn't see the look on his face when he ran in here. You don't understand how happy you just made him." She tightens her arms around my neck, bringing me into a hug. She continues swaying us back and forth and neither wanting to pull away.

"Hey! Did you get the stuff for Steve's party tomorrow?" Dustin asks, running back into the room.

Stevie pulls away and turns to her brother, "Aw shit! I completely forgot!" Her hands fly to her face as she groans.

"Party?" I ask, turning to the refrigerator to grab a snack.

"Steve is having a Halloween party tomorrow and he asked me to get the food for it because he has to work tonight and open the store tomorrow." Stevie sighs, walking over to the dining table grabbing her bag and key, "Although I wouldn't call it a party, more of a get-together movie marathon type deal. Him and Robin are taking a bunch of movies from the store for all of us to watch."

"Do I have to go to that?" I ask, shutting the refrigerator not finding anything that I wanted.

"Yes! It's gonna be fun! The boys go trick or treating and get as much candy as they possibly can and they bring it back to Steve's and we all play poker with it."

"Since Steve lives in the rich part of town, we hit his neighborhood first and then hit the surrounding streets. We usually end up with a shit load of candy." Dustin smiles proudly.

"And you are going because Steve invited Nancy fucking Wheeler and I'm not gonna to deal with her ass alone."

"What's with the attitude with Nancy?" I laugh. I've never heard Stevie talk about someone like this, other than Jason, but everyone knows why she hates Jason.

I hear Dustin let out a groan of annoyance, "Stevie will you please let it go! Nancy and Steve broke up almost three years ago! Steve let it go, why do you care?" I look over to Stevie who is staring a whole through her brother's head.

"I don't care that she left Steve for Jonathon! I care about how she did it!" Stevie slams her keys back down on the table, "I get that Steve in sophomore year was an asshole, but you don't scream in his face that he is bullshit and cheat on him with your brother's best friend's older brother."

"STEVE. LET. IT. GO! YOU. NEED. TO. LET. IT. GO" Dustin yells, clapping his hands between each word. I believe in that moment that Stevie could have picked up her brother and threw him through the window without hesitation.

"That's Steve's ex! He has to forgive and forget! I'm his best friend! I get to hold a grudge, til. I. Die." Stevie mocks her, picking up her keys again and walking to the door, and opening it, "Now do you both want to come with me or are you just gonna stand there looking stupid?" I look over to Dustin who lets out a sigh.

"Shotgun!" He suddenly yells and books it out of the house.

"I'm not sitting in the back." I say to Stevie and she shrugs.

"He called Shotgun."

Vienna - Eddie MunsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin