14. we rocket off to the slowpoke well

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-union cave entrance-

Ash: so this is union cave....

Lyra: we go through here  to get to azalea....

ring ring, ring ring

then dawn phone began to ring and the dawn answered it

Dawn: hello........ oh hey mom......... uh huh...... sure, you can give her my number ........ ok love ya, bye

and then she hangs up

Ash: so what did your mom want?

Dawn: oh she said she wants to  see if its ok  that'll give big sis my number

Ash: oh.......

ring ring, ring ring

Dawn: *answer phone* hello.... hey sis

she walks off while still talking

Lyra: i didnt know that dawn had a sister

Ash: yeah she 5 years older than us so when im got kidnapped she already had left for her journey to i think it was unova... i think

Dawn: ok see you then sis

and then she hangs up and walk  to u

Dawn: great news,  sis is gonna meet us in azelea

Ash: ok lets get going the faster we get through the cave the faster you can see your sister

Dawn: lets go

during the travel through the cave i battle some trainers and pokemon  which gotten stronger  and then we made out of the cave on the other side

Ash: looks like we are ahead of schedule that means we......

???: out of the way

and then someone ran past us knocking dawn and then he turn around we saw a man dressed in black  with a red r on the shirt

Ash/Lyra: *angerly* TEAM ROCKET !!!!!!!

Team rocket grunt: i have no time for this, im out of here

and then ran out of here

Ash: hey get back here

and then i ran after him and lyra follow suite

Dawn: wait ashy, lyra!

Ashy: you go to the center we  will take care of them and be at the center before you know it

Dawn: ok, becareful

and then we continue to chase the rocket grunt to the a well

Ash: huh a well? *reads the sign* slowpoke well?

Lyra: you think  this evolves with that guy selling slowpoke tails near the pokemon center on the other side of union cave?

Ash: probably, then again  i dont know, lets go

Lyra: right

and then we went down the well saw a man who threw out his back and then we continue our way into  the cave while taking out  grunts and then we came into what looks like the back of the cave

we saw what looks like the team rocket leader of the group and talking to some figure in a cloak by the sound of its a  female

Cloaked figure: so your  the leader of this group

Team rocket leader: yeah  and what do you want here?

Cloaked figure: to stop you, go infernape

Team rocket leader is that so *snap fingers*

and then 2 grunt members appeared

Cloaked figure: your much as a coward as i thought

and then we jump in

Ash: dont worry we got your back

Cloaked figure: you have  my thanks

without too much diffuculty we sent them packing

Team rocket leader: this isnt over

and then they left, and the cloaked figure  returned her pokemon and went to us

Cloaked figure: thanks for the assist

Ash: think nothing of it, we just have a grudge with them

Cloaked figure: mmmm,  again thanks for your help but i have previous engagment so farewell

Ash: ok bye

and then she left and we left the well not after the man gave us about 10 fast balls for saving the slowpoke and we decide to head back to the center


Ash: now wheres dawn?

Dawn: ashy, over here.

we saw dawn waving her hand at us from a booth and she was with someone and then we walked up to them

Dawn: hey sis you remember ashy dont you

we look to see the cloaked figure but her hood was down

Dawn's sister: Huh? your ash? but your a girl and a pokeperson no less

Ash: dawn didnt your parents tell her anything?

Dawn: hmmmm guess not

Ash: *sigh* lets take this to a room.....

to be continued......

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