3. getting used to being a girl

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-ash pov-

so me, dawn and mom are eating breakfast. i was giving them the silent treatment for what they did

Ms Lucian: would you like seconds

i shook my head no

Dawn: oh come on, i said i was sorry

Ash: mmmph

Mom/Dawn:[so cute]

i finished my breakfast and went to the living room to watch tv

-Dawn pov-

Ms. Lucian: i shouldnt be surprised about ash being mad of what i told you

Dawn: no need worry, i got this

and i went to the couch and sit next ash

Ms. Lucian:*sigh*[when you say no need to worry is when i worry the most]

-ash pov-

Dawn: ash please forgive me, you know i cant help myself

Ash: well you should help it

Dawn: pwease ashy *baby doll eyes*

Ash: *blush* [damn it] fine, the only reason i'll forgive you because your my childhood friend

Dawn: yay

she tackled hug me

Ash: ow.... get off of me

i pushed her off

Dawn: come on let me floof you

Ash: no, hand only

i showed her my hand, of course she took without hesitation. After that we watch tv until dinner

-during dinner-

Ash: so dawn, when are you going home?

Dawn: oh didnt your mom tell you, im staying until summer vaction over next month

Ash: no she didnt

Mom: oppsie i forgot

Ash: *glare*

Mom: now ash, your gonna paralyze me with that glare

Ash: *sigh* whatever

-after dinner-

i was playing  video games with dawn when

Dawn: so ash, do want want to train with me in the hitmontop style again

Ash: why? im black belt just like you

Dawn: but thats with your boy body, since you transformed into a girl, your muscles changed so you may need to retrain your body. so how about we start tomorrow

i pause for a second relizes she right i need to get back into shape again because of my transformation

Ash: alright lets do it

Dawn: alright lets start tomorrow

Ash: ok

Dawn: ok how about a round, if i win i get to cuddle you

Ash: fine if i win, you sleep on the floor

Dawn: deal

Ash: your going down


Ash: *blush* damn it

Dawn: quit pouting, you lost fair and square

Ash: i know but still *blush*[why is my crush so oblivious ] ...aaaah where are you touching?

Dawn: i wanted to floof you

Ash: thats not a part of the bet. either you stop that or your sleeping on the floor

Dawn: *pouts* fine, can you at least cuddle me back

Ash: im only doing that to my girlfriend

Dawn: ok, i respect you decision, well good night

Ash: good night

-the next morning--

after breakfast, me and dawn went to a nearby waterfall to train everyday until a week before the summer vacation was over. but a week before vacation is over, this happens

Ash: Whaaat! you sending me back to school? can i just be home schooled?

Mom: no you need be with other people other than us

Ash: but you can exactly fake stuff like records nowadays

Mom: i just happen to know people on the school board, i can make it that ashton become of a student exchange but keep your records and ashley come in

Ash: mmmmm [of course you do], fine... i'll go

Mom: great lets go shopping

Ash: why i got plenty of clothes to wear

Dawn: clothes that dont fit you properly, you need right clothes for your new body *points at my tail* not to mention you need bras

Ash: no i dont, see*points at my chest*
im flat

Mom: thats no excuse, you need proper equipment or you'll suffer later down the road

Ash: but but....


Ash: mmmm, fine but only sport bras no frilly bras

Dawn: BUT...

Mom: BUT...

Ash: no buts any arguing about this im not leaving this house unless it's to go to another region

Dawn/Mom: fine *disapointed sigh*

just like that, we went to the store get some sports bras and some underwear and clothes that fits me. they try to get frilly/girly stuff but i shot them with a glare it was super effective

and then i went to school and the hype of a pokegirl entering in the school in the boonies known as twinleaf died down after a month and of course my feelings for dawn was obvious to everyone but dawn

????: so ash?

Ash: yeah racheal?

Racheal: do you have feelings for Dawn?

Ash: um why do you ask *blush*?

Racheal: is just obvious plus Jimmy seduced  that

Ash: damn it, am i that much of a open book

Racheal: what do you see in her?

Ash: well she nice, brave, strong, and smart. does she know?

Racheal: i think everyone but her well know

Ash:*sigh* oh well

Racheal: i can see why you like her but dont get your hopes up

Ash: i know

time passes on until its time for high school entrys

to be continued......

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