| 16. Snitch. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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I wake up, checking the time seeing it's quite early. What happened yesterday? I quickly get a flashback of what happened.


Pedri pounds into me while holding me in place by my waist, making my eyes roll back. He goes faster until,

"Pedri do you have any spare- AAAAAAHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS." Gavi shouted as he stared at the ground in shock.

Shit. Did I actually fuck Pedri?

I look around and see myself snuggled next to Pedri naked under the blanket. How the hell do I explain to Gavi what happened, he's probably traumatised on the couch.

I get up, picking up my clothes to put on as it's all scattered on the ground.

"Mari don't leave me." Pedri whines as he says in a morning voice.

"Well who's gonna go to Pablo and explain what happened last night he probably cried himself to sleep." I tell him as I start walking to the living room, seeing Pablo on his phone.

"Would you like to explain what was happening last night?" Pablo asks with a smile.

"Nothing happened Pablo, and either way it's normal unlike your lonely ass." I laugh at him.

"Well I deserve an apology of what I saw and you morons continued after I left as you were so loud, disrupting my sleep." Pablo says.

"Yeah yeah whatever I'm sorry for your precious sleep, and you should start going to training am I right?" I tell him in a sarcastic tone.

"Shit Xavi will kill me if I'm late so I'm gonna get going and I'm telling everyone what I saw." Pablo shouts as he starts getting his stuff.

"You better fucking not Pablo Martín Páez Gavira or I'll rip your head off when I next see you!" I yell to him.

"Yeah yeah whatever bye." He says as he walks out.

Guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it was to confront him.

I make some pancakes for Pedri and he eats them without complaints as always.

We didn't have anything to do since if we went out in public, there would be paparazzi everywhere so it's best to stay in his home.

But if I'm staying for a month, I need to go get my stuff from my hotel as I only have my clothes from like 3 days ago.

I tell Pedri I'm gonna go get my items really quick. I call a taxi and it surprisingly arrived fast. I get in and arrive at the hotel.

I go in my room and get my suitcase and just shove everything in. I guess im living with Pedri now.

I'm back in Pedri's house and take all my items and put them in the guest room, filling the closet with clothes and the bathroom with skincare etc.

I go back to Pedri and we just talk about everything. Literally anything that comes to mind.

We were talking when Pedri got a notification from his phone, it was Frenkie messaging him in the middle of training.

Bro is it true that you and Maria
like erm slept together and yk???

Who tf told u that

Gavi told me that happened and
he told like Ferran and most of them

Thanks for telling me I'll have
a little 'talk' with him when he gets home.

Pedri put his phone on the bed and groans while putting his hands on his face.

"What's happened?" I ask him.

"Gavi's a fucking snitch. He told like half the team what happened between us."

No. He didn't. I was always afraid of this happening. Someone telling everything things that arnt supposed to be told. This is my fault. Pedri probably hates me now. I started to tear up, trying to hide it but Pedri already caught on.

"No don't cry Maria, it's not your fault. He just can't keep things to himself. I promise this won't change anything between us hermosa." Pedri says softly while bringing me into a long hug as I break down.

"It really is my fault now. Everyone knows what happened last night and it's embarrassing and it's probably gonna affect you and your career and your friendships I didn't mean too im really sorry." I tell him in between sobs.

"It's not your fault. Nothing will be ruined. Ill tell everything to keep their mouth shut about it and nothing will go wrong I promise hermosa don't blame yourself." He says while still hugging me, making me feel safe with him.

I calm down and we just find another movie to watch to make time pass quicker.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon