| 3. Niña bonita. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

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Guess what. We made it! The flight wasn't 4 hours it's just because of time zones. To be fair the flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be I just watched girl from nowhere on a tv (yes fancy ikik) and it took most of the time away.

I stepped out the plane and oh my god. The Barcelona air hit me and it was so warm. I regret wearing warm clothes but I'll deal with it. I follow the group to the airport and they check my passport and let me through. I went to go look for my suitcase on the conveyor belt as I checked 1 in. After a minute, I see my suitcase and pick it up.

I receive a text from Keira,

Keira 🤍
Heyyy!! I think you've arrived
now but I'm waiting for you outside
the airport with a friend. I'm so
Excited to see youuu :)

Maria Romaz
Heyyy and yes I've arrived.
I've gotten my luggage and
Im coming to u now baee🤍🤍

Im walking out and look around to look for Keira. I deadass cannot see until i feel someone Jump onto my back.

"Uhh who tf are you?" I ask concerned.

"Its me Keira! God do i look so different Maria" she laughs.

Holy shit. She is beautiful. Her long blonde wavy hair with her emerald green eyes starting at me.

'Keira your so gorgeous oh my god i couldn't believe that's you!" Thank god I decided to come here.

"Speak for yourself Maria your stunning with your straight brown hair and your sapphire eyes anyone can fall in-love with. Also let's go to our car. My friend drove me here so I hope you don't mind him."

Him? Maybe it's that Marco boy or a friend. Oh well let's just hope it goes well. I walk with Keira to a black BMW. What a sexy car.

I walk with Keira until I see a tall brunette man open the drivers door and jump out the car. My heart skipped a beat as I saw his come out as he stared at me. I must say, he is handsome. But get a grip, you just met him.

His thick arched brows and his chocolate brown eyes started at me with a slight smile while I walked towards him with Keira.
"I forgot to introduce you to him Maria but this is Pedri." Pedri the hottie.

"Well hello Pedri nice to meet you I guess." Sounds so awkward but whatever cant undo what I say.

"Hola niña bonita." ("Hello pretty girl") he says with a slight grin on his face.

Now what the hell. First thing this guy says is hello pretty girl. I understand him because in England I was so bored I decided to learn Spanish thanks to Duolingo. I just do a small smile after what he says.

There was an awkward silence between all of us and Pedri decides to break it.
"I'll put your bags in the trunk and then you can sit in the passenger seat." He says slowly

"Excuse me I sat in the passenger to come pick up Maria so-" Keita pauses and all I see is Pedri giving her a death stare that honestly can scare me to death.

"Okay whatever. Maria you can sit in the passenger seat" Keira says in a irritated voice while opening the door to the back of the car.

"It's fine I'll sit with you in the back Keira so we can catch up with eachother." I say with a massive smile on my face to tease Pedri that he doesn't always get what he wants. He looked absolutely pissed but oh well. Made me happier.

"Okay that fine I'll go put your bags in the trunk hermosa." Pedri shrugs as he says that. Guess that man-slag can change attitude quickly.

He places my suitcase and backpack into the trunk and shuts it. He walks back to the drivers seat and shut the door. He put his seatbelt on indicating that he was gonna start driving soon. But where?

"Keira where are we getting driven to?" I ask her.

"Oh we're driving you to a hotel where you'll be staying the night and don't worry I payed for it. Either way the hotel is close to my place so we can sleepover any day if you'd like." She reply's

Pedri mumbled something under his breath which Keira didn't hear. I think. But I definitely heard what he said.
"She can sleepover at mine everyday."

Flirty badboy already has a crush on me how sweet. Well he's good looking though I must admit. Me and Keira were talking throughout the whole car journey which was only like an hour. I caught Pedri glancing at me throughout the car ride in the mirror.

When we arrive at the hotel. Pedri opens the trunk and gives me my suitcase and backpack.

"Thanks." I say to him

"Your welcome." He says without no emotion, just starting at me. Bit weird but whatever.

"Get some sleep because tomorrow we're gonna have a big day and I promise that." Keira says as she waves goodbye to me as I walk to the hotel.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝐏𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐈 𝐆.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя