| 31. Bowling. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

I finally got out the tanning bed and it was amazing. The relaxation I really needed. I put on my clothes and walk out.

I see that there's free face masks and free skincare and everything. I squeal to myself and grab myself a face mask to use, a face serum and under eye patches.

I grab another face mask for Pedri because I'm gonna force him to put one on.

I walk back and I knock on Pedri's room.

"I swear to god Gav- oh hey Maria." Pedri says.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Gavi has knock a door runned me like 50 times so I was gonna punch him but it was you. Anyway do you need anything?" He explained.

"Well I got us face masks and I was gonna force you to do it with me but since your tired I can do it another day." I told him.

"No it's fine we can do it. Im not even tired anyways." He said as we walk to my hotel room.

We go to the bathroom and I sit on the counter for it to be easier to see. Pedri snakes behind me and watches what I do.

I firstly put on a face mask on myself then one for Pedri. I tell him to bend down so I can put it on him. Eventually, I put it on and we were both matching.

Pedri kept complaining that there's a weird feeling but I just told him it's normal.

I take a picture of us together with face masks and Pedri's face has been so uncomfortable it's made me die of laughter.

"I don't know why I agreed to this." Pedri complained.

I just laughed at him and told him to stop being a baby. 

Soon, it was time to take off the face masks and he looked relieved until I told him I got under eye patches.

We take off the face masks and I apply the under eye patches and then apply them from Pedri.

Then, we took them off and I applied some face serum and them applied some on Pedri.

"Ew why do girls put this on their face." Pedri asked.

"To keep their skin nice unlike yours which is wrinkly and flakey." I reply.

"So rude." He mumbles as I laugh.

It was already 5pm meaning there was an hour until we had to meet up.

Pedri goes back to his room and I think of what to wear. Since we're going bowling, I have to wear something comfy.

I picked out some black leggings with a beige shirt.

I quickly touched up on my hair and makeup and went to get my shoes.

I get all my belongings and knock on Pedri's door. He opens it almost instantly.

"You ready or not yet?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's go." He replied.

We walk down and see most of the squad.

"Hey Maria! Hey Pedri." Keira says as I hug her.

Me and her talk until it was time to get going.

I wave her bye as I walk off with Pedri and she walks off with Gavi.

Me and Pedri board the taxi he bought beforehand. The bowling place was abit of a long ride. I think 20 minutes so I take my AirPods and connect them and play my Spotify playlist.

Me and Pedri didn't really have anything to talk about since we talked about everything in our rooms so it was quite an awkward ride.

Pedri snatches 1 AirPods and places it in his ear. Bit rude. I load up my playlist and of course it's the worst song at the worst time ever. Or Nah - The Weeknd, Wiz Khalifa & DJ Mustard.

The lyrics began -
Do you like the way I flick my tongue or nah?
You can ride my face until your drippin' cum.
Can you lick the tip then throat the dick or nah?
Can you let me stretch that pussy out or nah?

I felt myself go red from the embarrassment and because of the lyrics but I felt a strong grip on my thigh.

I slightly turn and see Pedri holding my thigh and quickly crossing his legs for some reason. I did feel some butterflies in my stomach but the tension between us was even more harder.

The more lyrics were, the more of a grip Pedri had on my thigh.

We continued until the song finally ended, which I was relieved by. Some other songs played and we were almost there. I put my AirPods back and I just relaxed until Pedri whispered into my ear.

"Why don't we do what the lyrics of that song were." He whispered.

"In your dreams." I scoff as he just rolls his eyes.

We finally make it and we get out the taxi and walk in to see most of us waiting.

We all sign up and we all couldn't be together on 1 screen so we split up into 4's.

I was against, Pedri, Raphinha and Lewandowski.

We all put our names in and it was Pedri's turn to go.

He got the ball and slowly tossed it. He knocked down 6 which wasn't bad.

Then it was Lewandowski's turn and he threw the ball and hit the ceiling instead of the pins. Luckily, there was no staff monitoring us at the moment when that happened and we were all laughing our asses off.

After 10 minutes, it was Raphinha's turn and he knocked 8 down which was good.

Then, it was my turn. I picked a ball which was quite heavy but I handled it. I skidded it across the alley and it struck directly in the middle. Soon, all the pins fell down and I got a strike.

I was pretty happy since I was the first one to do it and I high fived Pedri.

Soon, we did all our turns and it was the end of the game. 4th was Lewandowski with 42 points, Raphinha with 78, Pedri with 106 and Me with 124.

We all congratulated eachother and all the squad hung out a little before going back to the taxis and to the hotel.

Me and Pedri ordered a taxi and shortly, it came. We went in and told our destination. Me and Pedri both talked about the bowling and how it was.

"You did amazing hermosa." He said.

He started at me with a smile until he slowly leaned in and kissed me softly and I kissed him back.

Sorry for the cringness ugh 😖

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