My shoes are now full of water
Lovely to be rained on with you

"You know, holding your hand is nice." Krel smiled.

It's kinda cute but it's so short

I blushed at the statement.

Then you're drivin' me home

I feel like I could stay in this moment forever.

And I don't wanna leave

Under the empty night sky....

But I have to go

With him, holding his hand.

You kiss me in your car

This whole moment was nice. I was calm.

And it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before

It started to feel too good to be true.


I haven't felt this calm in so long.

Bedsheets, no clothes

Whatever dream this is, I don't want it to stop.

Touch me like nobody else does
Lovely to just lay here with you

"I know we might be awkward now, but it doesn't have to be." He said softly.

You're kinda cute and I would say all of this

"It's not." I replied.

But I don't wanna ruin the moment

He felt like a different boy when he was alone with me rather than when his sister was with us.

Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos

Maybe that's the 'crush' talking.

But it's over

It was hard to identify my thoughts and feelings.

Then you're drivin' me home

I've never felt like this before... Just similar feelings.

And it kinda comes out as I get up to go

I looked up to see we were a few feet from my house

You kiss me in your car
And it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before

I took a deep breath as we came to a stop in front of it.

But it's not real

"Thank you for walking me home...almost everyday." I turned to him.

And you don't exist

"It's no problem princess, I find a joy when doing it." He shrugged.

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Where stories live. Discover now