Chapter 9: The Vastaya

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You walked back into the house and saw Ahri, Kai'sa, and Evelynn sitting on the couch still. You walked up to the three.

Ahri: "Hi (YN), what's up?"

You: "Who would I speak to about my payment?"

Ahri: "That would be Katarina but we could pass along your question."

You: "I was wondering if I could be paid in a Hex gem instead."

Evelynn: "You want to do what?"

You: "I was hoping in exchange for my payment this time, I'd be given a Hex gem."

The girls just looked at you with confusion and decided to press a bit further.

Kai'sa: "Why do you want a Hex gem?"

You: "It's for my ship. I figured that I could replace the fuel for my hyperdrive engines for one of them. It would be an almost infinite source depending on what Jinx can do to modify the engines."

Evelynn: "Let me call Kat real quick."

You saw Evelynn pulled out her phone and dial Kat's number.

Katarina: "Hello? What do you need?"

Evelynn: "Our bodyguard would like to discuss his payment."

Katarina: "Put him on then."

Evelynn put the phone on speaker and handed it to you.

Katarina: "So (YN), what would you like to discuss your payment about?"

You: "I was wondering if I could be paid in a Hex gem. I just need one."

Katarina: "A Hex gem. Do you mean literally a power source strong enough to power a whole building? That kind of Hex gem."

You: "Yes."

Katarina: "That's worth way more than I was originally going to pay you. I think you're asking for a bit much here bud."

You: "I'll work it off. I swear."

Katarina: "You haven't even gotten passed the trial phase and this is a big ask."

You: "Again, I will work off the debt."

Katarina: "I suppose if the girls are okay with having you around a bit longer. Then I'll schedule a meeting to purchase one. But you owe me one (YN), that comes in the form of taking care of these girls. Because at the rate I was going to pay you and how much a Hex gem costs. It's going to take a few years."

You: "I swear on the creed you have my word. Thank you, Katarina."

Katarina: "You're welcome. I'll let Eve know about the meeting when I get more details. I'm assuming maybe Eve would come but not Ahri."

You hand the phone to Evelynn and she takes it.

Evelynn: "I'd love to come. Thank you for your time, Kat. Talk to you soon."

Katarina: "Bye, stay safe."

You: "What did Katarina mean by you wouldn't want to go to this meeting Ahri?"

Ahri: "*Sigh*... It's because the douchebag who owns Hextech and all Hexgems is my ex-boyfriend."

You: "I see... Then it would be probably best for you to stay here then."

Evelynn: "Don't worry darling, I'll look after him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

You: "I hardly doubt that I've done anything like that."

Kai'sa: "Didn't you raid a shimmer warehouse and blow it up?"

You: "That was tactful planning."

Evelynn: "I don't know how you do it in space but do your plans usually involve explosions?"

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