Chapter 3: The Ship

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???: "Protect the young ones!"

???: "Blast them!"

???: "Run! Run!"

???: "We lost sight of them."

???: "Keep searching. The Jedi younglings are here somewhere..."

???: "We saved him... He is a foundling."

???: "He is a Jedi... An enemy."

You awoke to the sound of knocking at your door and BD powering up. You walked to the door and opened it to see Ahri.

Ahri: "Good morning (YN). Caitlyn is here with some paperwork to fill out."

You: "Thank you Ahri."

You just followed her and saw everyone else was up and eating breakfast. They all greeted you a good morning and you did the same. You saw Caitlyn as well and you sat down across from her.

Kai'sa: "Good morning (YN), I hope you like pancakes for breakfast. Also, there's some coffee, juice, or water if you want."

You: "I think water will be fine. Thank you Kai'sa."

You were given a glass of water and a couple of pancakes for breakfast. Everyone at the table and from the kitchen was curious about what you were going to do. You lifted your helmet a bit and took some sips of water. You cut up your pancake and fed it to yourself underneath your helmet bit by bit. It seems like everyone was disappointed to not see you take it off.

Seraphine: "Doesn't it get stuffy in there?"

You: "Not really, you get used to it after wearing it for as long as I have."

Evelynn: "And how long had that been?"

You: "Since I was a child."

Caitlyn: "How old are you?"

You: "I am about 22 years old. I've been a Mandalorian since I was about 8 or 9."

Caitlyn: "That's a long time under that helmet and armor."

You: "I suppose you could say that. Is that related to the documents you have for me?"

Caitlyn: "Not really. I just need to get you registered with a date of birth, address, contact information, and maybe a photo for reference..."

She just looked at you and you just stared back at her.

Caitlyn: "We can skip the photo. But other than that, that's all I need for the paperwork. Is it alright if I use your guy's address for his?"

Ahri: "I think that'll be okay for now. I mean he is living with us unless we decided for him not to."

Akali: "Hey, you can't just kick my friend onto the street like that."

Evelynn: "We totally can Li. He's here unless we decided he's not good enough for the job. Remember?"

Akali: "Oh, right. Sorry, bud."

You: "It's no problem. I'm fine with living on my ship anyway."

Caitlyn: "Speaking of which, we need to pick that up from the airport after I have you sign a few things."

You looked over what Caitlyn had brought for you and you signed the papers. Most of the words were hard to read and understand for you since it wasn't written in any language you knew. Thankfully BD could help translate and you could read what it said. Next thing was to pick up your ship and since Akali wanted to take a look at it she decided to tag along.

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