Chapter 1: The New World

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(We're going with standard League of Legends nulls, powers, and what not. Time frame is going to be modern day 2023. Also might crossover with another thing later on or not. We'll see about that. But also you have free creativity on what your Mandalorian armor looks like and what your ship's colors are.  Anyways enjoy, stay safe, and stay awesome as always.)

Outer Rim...

System of Tatooine...

9 years after the battle of Yavin...

You: "Dank Ferrik..."


Trandoshan: "Give it up Mandalorian! We got you outnumbered! 8 to 1!"

You: "*sigh*... I like those odds."

You crack your knuckles and get to work. You fly out of cover with your jet pack and blast away at the Trandoshan slavers with your dual heavy-blaster pistols. You get a few before you land and take care of another one with your wrist-mounted flamethrower. You threw your vibro knife at another before stepping forward to the main Trandoshan. Most of his blaster bolts deflect off of your beskar. You get him with your cable tie. You stand on him and aim your blaster down at him.

You: "Make this easy for me and I won't kill you. Where are the Wookies?"

Trandoshan slaver: "In the back storage! The key is on my belt!"

You take the key and leave him bound. You head to the back of this warehouse and unlock the door. There in the dark, you see a family of Wookies some cowering while one stands to protect their family.

You: "I'm here to free you. You can go home now. You threw the key to the Wookies and walked off."

You walked past the Trandoshan leaving him where he lay.

Trandoshan: "Wait! You can't leave me here!"

You: "Yes I can."

You look at the Wookies and back at him.

You: "Have at him."

The main Wookie stands over him as you hear his screams of agony walking out of the warehouse. You go back in your SS-54 assault ship and set course back to Nevarro.

Outer Rim...


You landed your ship and walked through the town. You were getting some stares from the plentiful unsavory residents of the town. Walking into the bar you sit down at the table of Greef Karga.

Greef: "Ah, (YN) I assume the Wookies are safe?"

You: "The job was done."

Greef: "Then your credits as expected."

Greef tossed you a small pouch and you walked out of the bar. You walked back to the cohort of your people. You passed by several of them and some of the younger ones. There you saw your defacto leader forging away beskar.

Armorer: "So you return."

You do not speak as you just sit down and reach out of your pocket 2 ingots of beskar.

Armorer: "And where did you come across these?"

You: "Slavers. They must've found them on an imperial ship."

Armorer: "And what would you have me make with this?"

You: "I was thinking one would go to some new weapons and the rest would go to the foundlings."

Armorer: "You're not the first to ask for whistling birds. Din Djarin had already received his."

You: "Is he still here?"

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