47 - Coffee

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To say that Noah was surprised when Laura texted him was an understatement. He was not expecting anything from her since their break up. 

They haven't talked at all since their breakup. 

Noah couldn't blame her. 

His and Sabrina's fans consistently hated Laura for not only associating with Noah but also dating him. If she felt like something was going on between him and Sabrina, he couldn't blame her.

Everything she felt about the hate and his friendship with Sabrina at the time, she had every right to feel that way. She was completely valid for how she felt and wanted to leave the relationship.

Noah's injuries have gotten better at this point and he can drive. 

The first few days were hard. He could barely do anything and his body hurt, even just laying on his bed, but now... his body doesn't hurt at all. He can walk and drive, but his shoulder still hurts. 

Noah got to the coffee show parking lot. He grabbed his mask, phone, and wallet and exited the car.

He put on his mask and texted Laura as he walked into the coffee shop.

As soon as he sent the text and looked up, he saw Laura standing up from a table and waving at him.

He felt his stomach drop.

It's been so long since he's last seen her and all the feelings he once felt for her came flooding back. 

It was different with Laura than with Sabrina. He saw Sabrina often before the pandemic but Laura... he hadn't seen her for so long.

Thankfully, Laura couldn't see his smile because of his mask. 

"Hey," Noah greeted her.

"Hi," Laura said, hugging Noah.

"How are you?" Noah asked.

"Good," she said. "I, um, I got us both coffee," she indicated to the top cups of coffee, both iced.

"Thanks," Noah said.

They both sat down.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting better," Noah said, "thankfully. I'm just a little tired."

Laura smiled a little.

"I'm glad that you're okay," she said.

"Thanks," he said.

They both started catching up since they'd last seen each other. Laura worked on a couple of different projects and other stuff. Noah was in college and working at the same time, and Laura seemed happy for him that he was able to go to college while still an actor. Noah knew that she went to an acting school when she lived in New York. 

A question began nagging Noah in the back of his mind as they talked. 

Is Laura dating someone else? He wanted to ask, he was curious, but he didn't want to seem like a paranoid ex-boyfriend who was still obsessed with her when he was not. He'd be happy for her if she had a boyfriend.

Thankfully, he didn't have to ask the question himself. She brought up the topic herself.

"I thought I should tell you," Laura said, "I'm dating someone."

"Oh!" Noah said. "That's great!"

He was happy for her. He was fine. Sure, he was looking forward to seeing her and all, but he was happy for her.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"Uh, no," Noah shook his head. "I think. I don't know."


"Oh, um," he hesitated. "There was a girl I began talking to, but then I left to film Jurassic World three then COVID happened and we haven't talked that much. I don't know if she'd be interested...."

"Who is she?"

"It was a girl I knew from high school," Noah said, "and we met at some bowling alley while I was there with my friends. We then exchanged numbers and started talking."

"Oh," Laura said.

"We talked here and there but I don't think she's interested in me anymore," Noah shrugged.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Noah said. "It's alright. We barely talked in high school and... so, who's your boyfriend?"

"He's a basketball player," Laura told him.

A basketball player?

He didn't know what he was expecting, but he was not expecting a basketball player. She went from an actor to an athlete. He didn't know what to think or how to feel. He was happy for her, but...

Laura told Noah a little bit about him. He was wondering what this guy was like. He hoped that he was treating her well and that she wasn't dealing with 'fans' who wished that he was not dating her and would much rather he date his ex.

"Does he know you're seeing me?" Noah asked.

"Oh, yeah, he does," Laura said. "I told him that I texted you and that we were meeting."

"And he's okay with this?" Noah wondered.

"Yes," she nodded. "I talked to him about him. If he wasn't comfortable with it..."

"You wouldn't have met up with me," Noah said.

"Yeah," Laura said. "He'd do the same if he was in my shoes."

They finished their coffees and got up to leave. They said goodbye to one another and went to their cars.

Noah was glad that he had seen her, even if it was just to catch up, it was nice seeing her. It felt like he was hanging out with an old friend.

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