43 - End of Semester

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The end of the spring semester came to an end. 

Noah did the same thing every single day, which was school, work and getting groceries when needed that he hadn't realized that the school semester had come to an end as quick as it did.

"One more year, Noah," Frank said, proudly.

"Yeah," Noah laughed, nervously. 

He had one more year left of college and to say he was terrified was an understatement. Sure, he knew he was continue acting when he's graduates college the following year, but the thought of no longer being in school seemed terrifying. He'll really be in the real world next year.

"Excited?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," Noah nodded.

Despite his anxieties about the future, he was excited. He was excited to see what the future held for him, despite how uncertain it is, especially now that they're living in a global pandemic. 

"I know it's scary," Frank acknowledged, "but once you're done, it won't be as terrifying as it seems now."

Noah smiled a little and nodded.

"Can you get groceries?" Frank asked.

"What do we need?"

"Let me text you the list," Frank said.

Noah nodded.

Frank texted him a long list of groceries and household essentials they needed.

Noah left the house and headed to the grocery story. 

When he got to the grocery store, he grabbed his mask, phone and wallet and got out of the car and went into the store.

He got everything he could get from this store than a different store to buy everything that the first store didn't.

"Oh, my god, it's Noah Evans!" he heard a voice said.

It was a girl's voice.

He had just gotten out of the car and didn't put on his mask yet.

He turned around to see a teenage girl. She looked around sixteen or seventeen and was with her mother. Noah could only assume they were getting everything they needed.

Noah smiled at her and her face flushed from embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she quickly said.

"Hey, it's fine," Noah assured her. "Do you want a picture?"

"Can I?" she said, excitedly.

Noah nodded.

He kept his distance from her as she took a selfie with the girl.

"Thank you," she said. 

Noah talked to the girl real quick. He walked with them into the store all while keeping his distance.

As soon as they entered the store, Noah said bye and went onto to get everything that he and his family needed.

Thankfully, this store had everything else that they needed and bought it all.

He went home and Frank and Grace helped him unload the car and put everything away. 

Noah went up to his room and sat at his laptop, responding to emails for work.

He wished he could continue filming his movies again, but knew it wasn't safe. He wished that they had an idea of when they were going to start working again and not sit around waiting around waiting to know when they will start working again.

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