Chapter 5

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 "Excuse me, can you repeat that?!"

"I have been accepted," he repeated softly folding the gold watermarked sheet that he had earlier waved with joy in front of the girl's face.

She frowned her forehead, staring at him silently.

"Come on, Evi... I knew that you'd react like this!"

"Are you trying to tell me that you really did it?!" she finally asked in disbelief. "Jörg! There are so many rumours going around that one no longer knows what to believe!"

"Come on, let's not talk about it now... Come on let's dive and have fun while I'm here!" and he stood up to take off his clothes.

"I am not in the mood," she said concisely remaining sitting and splashing her feet in the cool waters of the shaded pond.

Jörg sat down next to the sulking girl. He lifted his face towards the sun. The cool breeze ruffled the blond rebel locks and he closed his eyes to enjoy the delicious sensation on the skin. After a few minutes of silence he turned to her and seeing her stubborn expression, convinced himself that she was not willing to say a word. Sighing he resigned to resume once again the topic: "Did you think I wasn't serious the other day when I told you that I would have done it?"

"I thought... I thought... Ooh, I don't know what I was thinking... Okay, yes, I thought you would not be so thoughtless to do it... stupid enough to do it! That's all."

"Tell me what's wrong with that, without talking of ideals and without using big words... Leaving aside justice, equality, freedom and so on. Tell me, for me, for Jörg, why would it be wrong to join the Movement?"

"There are rumours saying that once you enter, you may not leave anymore; does this seem little to you. But then, do you know what they do there?"

"They are just rumours; it's just gossips. No one knows what they do, we only know what "The rumours about them" say they do... There is a big difference! I read the flyer well: in brief, it shows the whole process of the training. You remember Derek? That guy that, when we were kids, would always set up ambushes to pull your braids?"

"That one that stopped after you beat him up? And then he walked around for a month with a black eye?"

"Yes that's the one! He joined the Movement a few days ago. He didn't even have to wait to have routine checks carried out; instead was sent straight to the Manor house."

"What a bargain!"

"And Rosel? Rosel also joined the Movement!"

"And how do you know?"

"Because we met the other day, when I went to the recruiting centre. She was standing in line with many others to enrol."

Evi sighed.

"Evi, you're my best friend and have always supported my decisions, why you are so contrary this time? I swear I don't understand you!"

She turned to face him. "It's not that I don't approve; it's that..... I don't know, maybe I'm just afraid that we will lose sight of each other, that's all... that maybe you come back changed and that you will never be the same Jörg that I have known for many years and..."

"Oh come on," interrupted the boy. "Do you think that a year and a half of racing through the woods, studying and partying in the evening with other young people can change me?! Do you really think that?"

"I don't know... maybe" replied the girl unhappily.

"Evi, I will leave for The Manor in a couple of days... If you want to say goodbye to me, I'll be happy, otherwise we will meet again when I finish training and come back... and I will come back as the same Jörg that I am now and It's how I will always be, I promise!... Well, maybe a bit more muscular, ha ha ha!" He said, while posing and feeling his biceps.

"Maybe it will be like that... or maybe not" thought Evi staring at him in a resigned manner and knowing in her heart, that at this point, there was nothing she could do.

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