"These will be your rooms for the duration of your stay," Cedric announces.

A mocking guffaw dies in my throat as I step across the threshold. Greens, browns, and golds warmly clothe the room. Against the right wall is a large canopied bed graced with pillows and an embroidered comforter. Two meters removed from the bed is a grand fireplace whose marble mantle displays an intricately carved hunting scene. To my left, is a group of chairs and a settee, but what catches my eye is a bowl of white roses neatly displayed upon the center table. The flowers are fresh and crisp as if they were just picked this morning. Is it meant to be a welcoming or a threat?

"I am sure you are weary from your journey, so I will leave you to rest."

Cedric's voice snaps me from my stupor, and I spin about, "What? No..."

Within the blink of an eye, the door swings shut. I rush to it and reach for the handle, but my hand closes upon air. There is no handle.

"Let me out and fight me, Beast." I step back and shove my shoulder against the door, but my attempts at force are useless, for it does not budges. "You coward," I roar, banging my fist against the oak.

Feverishly, I glance about the room and my eyes land on the tall windows across from me. I smirk in triumph. They are smart enough to remove the handle from my door, but they have forgotten about the windows. I hurry across the room and scan the windows for latches. Of course, there are none, so I remove my coat and wrap it about my hand. Then I draw back my fist and send it charging toward the glass. My hand connects painfully with the windowpane, but not even a crack resulted from the impact.

I growl in frustration and strike again and again and again.


The walk does help to clear my head and I am able to ascend the staircase to my rooms with an elegant posture and a mask of composure. But can I last through dinner?

In my rooms, Bedelia, or Beedy as I call her, has me sit at my vanity and adeptly uses an array of combs to transform my dark locks into a tangle of braids and curls. As long as she uses another item, she is able to arrange my hair. Her fingers, though, would pass directly through me. It is like this with all of the servants; they can touch solid items, but with people it is impossible.

"My lady?"

My blank stare breaks with Beedy's words. "Sorry, I was lost in thought." I rise from my seat and drift to the far wall of my dressing room where the evening gowns neatly hang in a mass of black fabrics. Pulling one out, I hold it against my body.

"I think I will wear this one tonight."

Beedy agrees with my choice and helps me put on the gown. The sleeves and bodice are made of intricate lace and are close-fitting, but the skirts are folded and gathered, creating a waterfall of black taffeta.

"Thank you, Beedy." I sit again at my vanity and she brings my jewellery box. From it, I choose various pieces of jewellery, including my family's signet ring—an impression of a rose in full bloom. Lastly, Beedy applies a brushing of powder to my cheeks and thin lines of kohl around my eyes.

"You look stunning, my lady."

I bite my lip and twirl the rose-shaped signet ring about my index finger. "Or like a beast?"

"Have heart, lady. He says it now, but he will change his mind once he gets to know you."

"Once he decides not to kill me?" I sigh and glide toward the door.

"Good luck, my lady." Beedy encourages.

"Thank you," I say and sweep out of the room.

For a second time today, I walk through the dark halls with the only sound around me being the swishing of my dress. What am I doing? This is ridiculous. He will never love me.

Beautiful BeastWhere stories live. Discover now