xxx. the three words

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Once they finally reached the house, the redhead slowly sat Rowan on an armchair and Dick immediately went to her. 

Robin squatted in front of Rowan, checking closely on her limbs to see if anything was severely broken. The boy liked the girl a lot more than he should, but whenever she did shit like this, it terrified him to like her. What if she left him and he never got a goodbye?

He went to pull up her shirt to check her ribs, but Rowan groggily spoke, "If you wanted to, just ask." Robin held in his smirk as he was deciding to act mad to try to get her to realize how stupid she acted. After he was done checking her ribs to find two broken, the boy grabbed her face and leaned her down so he could check her head. But, it proved to be hard as she wouldn't stop moving away, "No."

Robin sighed, "I'm trying my best to be patient, Rowan. So, please don't make this any harder." Why couldn't she just see how much he cared for her?

The girl sighed and looked down at the boy, "I love you." Dick froze, comprehending what she just said. His heart started to beat faster in excitement. Rowan most definitely had a major concussion, but his own words couldn't help but tumble out of his mouth.

"I love you."

Her lips curved into the biggest smile ever, causing him to match hers. Robin laughed quietly and looked back up at her, "Now, will you please be good for me and let me examine your injuries?"

Rowan smirked, "Touch me as you like, Robin." 

The boy's cheeks reddened, she sure knew how to make him blush and feel all gooey inside. He didn't know how else to explain it. Rowan made him all soft inside and he liked the feeling of her being with him.

As he inspected her injuries, the boys came out of the room where Garfield was held, unconscious. KF was about to talk but smirked once he saw the two and gave him a thumbs-up. 

Robin rolled his eyes but smirked, "KF, find a news station."

The speedster did as told and grabbed two remotes, "Sure, which remote is it?" He just pressed a random one and the VHS tape began to play, this got Rowan's attention.

She turned her head toward the TV and watched the woman who looked exactly like M'gann, talk on the TV. Then 'Conner' showed on the screen, causing her to laugh a little too loud. 

M'gann walked in making KF struggle to change the channel. 

"It's finally done." Rowan's head swung over to the martian, but it was a bad idea as her head began to hurt like a bitch. 

"Is-is he okay?" 

M'gann nodded, "Maybe. The blood transfusion should work, but it's also with my Martian blood that I shape-shifted to be O-negative." 

Rowan didn't seem to follow any of that as her brain wasn't able to comprehend anything at that moment. 

The news began to play, broadcasting the president of Qurac giving a speech. The girl put her head back, not planning on listening to the speech. It seemed to be important as they spotted Psimon, the psychic from Bialya—the place where the team saw her true self. 

As the team spoke about Psimon, Rowan began to drift off as she was so tired. But, Robin quickly nudged her awake, "You have to stay awake, got it?"

The girl groaned, her eyes struggling to stay open, "You got it, sweetheart."

Marie Logan stepped out of the room, "I think it worked. Garfield's stable now."

"Good, because we have our mission." Rowan began to stand up but quickly got pushed back down by Superboy, his arms crossed.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Rowan rolled her eyes, "Wherever the team is going, dumbass. Now, move."

The rest of the team stood by him, "Listen, Row, you're hurt and not right. Just stay off this one."

The girl grunted, trying to get up one more time, but got pushed down again, "Will you stop doing that?"


Rowan scoffed and sunk into the chair, "Fine, be assholes. Just know that I'll wax off all your eyebrows in your sleep, you dickwads."

The team just grunted back, knowing she'll not fulfill the threat. Robin watched the rest of the team leave and looked down at his girlfriend.

"Stay awake and be safe, promise?" He kissed the crown of her head, "Love you."

Rowan's heart warmed up, "Promise. Love you."

With that, he talked to Marie Logan and then left, leaving the two to sit in each other's presence awkwardly.

Marie looked at the girl, "That boy loves you, y'know that?"

Rowan sighed with a sad smile, "I know."

"Then why do you have that sad look in your eyes?"

Her eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"You remind me of me when I was younger. I had strict parents who told me how to live and that gave me that same look in my eye. You feel trapped and you don't how to escape. And, how do we both see love? We see love as another cage ready to entrap us."

Rowan tilted her head slightly, "Then how did you get Garfield?"

Marie just laughed, "Truth be told, I don't even know his father. It was a drunken night and even before then, I never found someone to love."

"Isn't Garfield just another trap?"

"At first, yes. But, now he's the only love I need." Her eyes twinkled as she spoke about her son, "He's perfect in every way and even if he does have flaws, I love them as I was the one to create them."

Rowan smiled at the woman, "I think you just overexplained what commitment issues are, Miss Logan."

"So, what if I did? But, the point is, there's always a way out. So, if you feel trapped, just look for another loophole."

The girl snickered but found her advice to be of no help. That's what she's been doing all these months, but there's nothing. 

"You're a good reader, Miss Logan."

The red-headed woman smiled warmly at the young girl, "Please, call me Marie." She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the coffee table, "And, here's my number if you need any other advice or just to talk. It gets lonely here with no other girls to relate to."

Rowan read the number and looked back up at her with a smile, "Will do, Marie."

ROGUE| DICK GRAYSONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora