|[ XXX - RUN ]|

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Three months.

It had been 




Zack asked about your condition constantly, almost as if you died he'd lose it all. He knew that you'd been greatly hurt, but, he hoped you'd be fine.

That was until he heard that your condition was critical.

After that, he received no updates. He presumed you were dead, but he refused to believe it. He looked at his bandaged hand, feeling only the cold of the prison cell.

God, he missed you. Your voice, your touch, your companionship, your support, all of it.

He'd go insane if he didn't see you for another day.
Scratch that, he was already insane.
He'd gone insane from a long way back.

Zack, strangely enough, didn't talk with the other prisoners. They, despite being criminals themselves, saw Zack as a cold-blooded beast with a primal urge to kill.

His piercing heterochromatic eyes knew nothing but bloodshed. It was almost an aura he emitted. One stare from him, and you could feel the fear rush through you.

Zack's cell had a view of the sky. You could look up and see the moon occasionally. Today had marked the first week Zack had been in his cell.

He'd received the notice that he was going to be executed due to being responsible for the serial murders he'd been charged with.

Nothing unusual, really. When killing, you have to be aware that when you are caught, it's game over. It'll be your turn to die when that time comes.

And so, he'd been up thinking of what to do. He wasn't fond of the idea of being killed off. I mean, who would be?

He had the idea of escaping, but really, what use would it be? There would be no Y/N waiting for him with sarcastic comments regarding his stupidity.

There'd be no Y/N waiting for him at the end of it all with a smile adorning her expression.

So what use would it be?

Zack sighed, lowering his hood, which was a rare sight for all who had been inside. He stood up, and they knew exactly what he was going to do.

Let's see if you truly are dead, N/N.

These people better have been telling me the truth about your critical condition.


You opened your eyes groggily, hearing monitors beeping all around you. "What..the..?" you muttered.

"Oh, good god! You're awake!" a female voice said. You looked aside and saw a woman with short, tied, dark gray hair and burgundy eyes.

"Who are you...?" you muttered. "I'm Chrona, your...doctor, I guess?" the woman replied. "Are you at least normal and aren't here to rip my guts out?" you said.

"Understandable question, considering what you went through. I'm quite normal, and I'm not here to kill you, so relax, alright? I'm just here to tell you a couple of things," Chrona replied, hands in her white coat's pockets.

You narrowed your eyes, sitting up, and lying on the wall. "Well, I'll cut straight to the chase: Zack's obsessed with you, or better said, is in the process of becoming obsessed with you," she said.


"I get it, the two of you might've been friends and all, but, do you remember just when did he start to act up?" Chrona asked. "After..he injected himself a substance," you said. 

"Exactly. It's that substance that's driving him mad. It's an illegal drug that's been sold in small quantities," Chrona replied. "It drives the host mad with whoever they first see. Since the injection's liquid amount was rather small, his effects were gradual."

"However, the methods to extract it are rather...limited, and are complex. You and I both know that Zack won't simply stay still while the liquid is extracted from his bloodstream. He'll most likely fight back, as is the instinct of both the host and the drug, which is in its sense similar to a parasite," Chrona said.

Why do you know so much about that substance, though? That's something I'd like to know.

"...I see," you murmured. "Wait, how come you aren't asking me anything about the asylum that broke down? You surely must have questions."

Chrona let out a chuckle, looking at you with a smile. "I know far enough of what transcurred inside there," she said.

"..How? No one entered and left the building, it was sealed shut," you said, confused. "I'm sister to one of the Angels. He wouldn't leave me in the dark," Chrona replied.

"Hold up, what? You're a...sister to one of them...?" you said, a bit startled. 

Sounds like bullshit to me.

"It's quite off-topic and not too trusting, but I am. And Gray didn't shoot you simply because he 'thought' you were a deathbringer. Even he knows that's just a load of shit," Chrona said.

You've got to be kidding me.

"First of all, alright, but what the fuck?! Second of all, why the hell did he shoot me then?!" you shouted, now a bit mad.

"Because he knew Zack would be after you, of course, and with no warning of the situation, you wouldn't have the slightest idea as to what was going on and why did he suddenly become so possessive over you in only three months," Chrona explained. "I suspect Zack's already on the move too, so we better start to wrap things up and prepare to escape his chase."

"Wait, what do you mean?" you asked. 

"Zack was sent to prison due to his criminal record, but as stupid as the man can be, he's incredibly perceptive when it comes to subjects he is very familiar with, and has a keen awareness of his surroundings, making him a dangerous foe," Chrona stated, twirling around some keys with her fingers. 

"Plus, he did also take the majority of the vitamin-filled injection. You have the advantage that you took some of it, but still; he's much more agile than before. He's most likely broken out of prison by now and on his way here, probably to find out if you're alive or not."

This is way too much information all at once...

"So what's the plan here?" you said. Chrona let out a dry laugh.

"Plan? I'm only here to warn you about him. I can ensure your get-away from him in this building, but from then on, it's up to you if you can survive until we manage to secure a route to capture him and extract the liquid from his bloodstream," Chrona said.

"It's all up to you if you can survive him. We're not responsible if he does anything to you, such as capture you, kidnap you, attack you, and such," Chrona stated seriously.

Good god...

"Are you willing to take up the responsibility to try and carry out this last-minute plan, or will you simply give in to him? We can go either way," she asked, a stern look on her face.

"I'll give the escape route a go," you said, nervously. "Good," Chrona said. "Good? Why?" you asked.

"Why?" she said. "Because he's already here." 

She was cut off as glass was heard crashing from the room behind you. Your eyes widened, hearing footsteps nearing closer, as the all-familiar serial killer knocked twice on the door which separated you.

"Open up, Y/N," he said, a dry laugh coming from him.

And at that point, only one word flashed red through your mind, as you stepped away.


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