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"You wear the mask first," Zack said, shoving it on your face. "But what about-"

"No buts! I'm more resilient and resistant to this gas, and you know it, so shut up and let's get to work!" Zack interrupted you.

"Fair enough," you said, accommodating it. You looked around, seeing a corpse with a detached foot.

"Over there," you said, running over to the body. You signaled Zack to kick it over, and he did so, revealing some writing in the dusty iron floor.

"Can you read it?" Zack asked. "Yeah. It's a bit unclear due to the dust, but it's readable, for the most part," you replied.

The foolish criminal who stomped his victims with his right foot..

Take out that which was used to take their lives and place it on the scales...

If an equal price is paid for your sins, a light may shine in the depths of hell...

You narrowed your eyes. "So?" Zack said, impatiently. "It doesn't make any sense, but, if I get it correctly, we need to place this man's right foot on the scale on that counter," you said.

Zack hesitantly took the frail but heavy lump of skin and bones and placed it onto the scale.

You walked up to him, and took a bag filled with money, you presumed, that laid next to the scale, and placed it on the other balancing platform.

It took less than a minute for the two items to balance each other. "Nothing's happening," Zack said.

"Quit your talking so I can look around for a minute," you said, looking throughout the area to see if anything looked different.

"Zack, take this mask, and I'm going to need you to help me get up through that hole in the roof," you said, detestingly.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Zack said. "You're seriously asking me to throw you up there?" he said.

"You're gonna do it or not? Unless you plan to die in here, get me up there," you said.

"Fine, just shut up and get your ass over here," he replied, as he set his scythe aside, wearing the mask, and helping you up.

"Thanks, now wait a minute, I'll go find something in this place," you said, crawling through the vent.

You were able to reach the end, and collected a card key. "Got something!" you yelled.

"Great! Now get the fuck over here before time's up!" Zack said, looking at the hourglass which signaled that there was less than a minute left.

You went back and jumped down. "Here you go," you said, passing the card key. Zack inserted it, but, it didn't fit. "The hell!? It doesn't work!" he said.

"Turn it around, idiot!" you said. "Shut up, I know!" he replied, turning it around, unlocking the exit.

"You almost got us killed there, Zack. The card key almost broke," you said. However, a different gas started to come in before you were able to continue.

"Oh, terribly sorry! I accidentally leaked in some of the gas I had prepared for you in the end," Cathy's voice sounded through the intercom.

"Why you..!" you hissed. The door locked as well, so all possible exits and hopes you had were shut down there.

"Shit!" Zack whispered. "Fuck you!" he yelled.

"Curse at me, all you want, dear, but I'm not letting my ideal criminals free. It's your punishment, after all!" Cathy said, letting out a laugh that was devoid of any good.

"Zack, I need you to run over there to that locker-looking area that's enclosed," you said. "What're you planning to do?!" Zack said, desperately.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm gonna blow this all up," you muttered. "Ya okay with that?" you asked.

"You can tear it to pieces, for all I care. Just make sure you come back in one piece. Without your help, my dumbass is toast, so no dying," Zack replied, running away to the area you mentioned.

"Mhm," you nodded. You threw a battery you had kept far away near the gas leak, and ran towards the area Zack was.

"Let me in, or I'll blow up with this place!" you said, as he opened and you closed it.

"There," Zack whispered, holding you close. "Hold on, where's your scythe?" you asked. "Got it here. I managed to get it while you were all frantic," he answered.

"Me? Frantic? You were the one cursing out Cathy like a wild animal," you said. "And what's that supposed to mean!? At least we're safe, right?" Zack said.

"Yeah, now hold your breath," you said, still counting down mentally the seconds. "Why?"

"This place is about to blow to bits," you said, taking a deep breath. Zack heard some crackling in the distance, and his eyes widened.

"Three, two, one," you murmured.

" Zero. "

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