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You breathed heavily, running toward where you thought you heard Zack. It wasn't too far, but you couldn't afford to lose him.

You arrived at the scene, and the planks were broken but there was no sign of Zack. No. No. No, no no no no. He has to be somewhere..right..?

You shook your head, jumping over the gap, as you took out your gun, inserting some hard pieces and materials that you had in your bag. You had no bullets, but they'd work.

I should've stuck with him, damn it!

You ran off in the hallways, looking out for danger. This had been the first time on your own, and now, you truly felt just how dangerous it was inside this building. B1, huh? Tch, what a load of shit. If I'd just stayed, Zack wouldn't be lost!

You held your firearm steadily and firmly, your grip tightening on it as you gritted your teeth. Please, Zack, don't die now.

If this girl was behind his disappearance, it would give you more of a reason to question her. I've got questions for you, kid.


"Damn it.." Zack muttered. He opened his eyes slowly, looking around, a swirling crimson-red field of grass surrounding him.

"What the..fuck..?" he whispered. this..?

He narrowed his eyes, before placing his hand on the bloodied grass. He lifted his hand, and the blood dripped off him, before evaporating.

This is weird and fucked up in so many ways.

His eyes widened as soon as he realized he didn't have his scythe, though. "Where the hell did it go..!" he muttered, looking around, but the endless crimson grass surrounding him showed no sign of his scythe.

He gritted his teeth, as he stood up, his hood falling down, his hair flowing with the wind current. A glare was set on his face as he walked aimlessly.

Am I just trapped here forever?

He heard afar a laugh, from which he could recognize was from you. He swiftly turned around, seeing your figure far apart.

His vision went red, the only thoughts running through his mind being to catch up to you and ask what the hell was going on.

He raced towards you, hoping you were there. He was nearing your form when he saw your figure turn to the side and get torn in half.

He saw a shadow of a normal human who held a blade in his hand behind 'you'. What the actual fuck is this..?!

He saw your form right in front disintegrate, blood dripping onto the grass. Zack was just pissed off, eyes wide.

Of all people in the damn, fucking world, it had to be you. The one person he had only started to get attached to.

His hands, almost as if automatically, took grasp of the air, as if he were holding his scythe. A solid object began to form and glow white, taking the form of the scythe he'd always used, and with no hesitation, he sliced the shadow, which disintegrated as well, dripping blood onto the already blood-drenched field of grass.

Why is it always the people I get close to...!?

"I see.." a voice said. "I see my ass, who the fuck are you? " Zack said in a low voice, eyes filled with silent anger.

"Gray. The priest, from B2," Gray said, a stern look on his face. "Oh god, it's you," Zack groaned, looking at the gray-haired man before him, who held a bible in his hands.

"What do you want?" Zack spat. "I'm here to explain to you why all of this is going on, naturally."

"Then hurry up and speak, or you're next," Zack murmured. "Relax. First of all, this is all but an illusion," Gray said.

Zack's eyes widened, as he saw the bloody realm fall to pieces, disappearing. He then saw he was in a secluded room on floor B1.

"...What..?" Zack whispered, looking at his hand. Clean. No blood.

"This was meant to serve as a room to show me your true nature, Zack," Gray explained. "Huh?" Zack muttered, confused.

"You are, or, better said, were an angel. Before Y/N's appearance, you only knew blood and death, and your pure spirit made you an angel. However, the moment she escaped your grip, you felt energy from within surge. You went after her out of curiosity about who she really was," Gray said.

"You grew attached to her. But I can sense that right now, it's developed into something far more dangerous than that. Cathy's injection didn't help either, I'm afraid."

"What the hell was in that injection?" Zack asked. "You'll find that out eventually," Gray said, closing his book.

"That's all I have to say. ...If you do truly desire Y/N, do not fight against that will. Protect her," Gray murmured, leaving the room.

Zack clenched his fist. Never again will you leave my side, Y/N. You don't and won't have a say in that.

I can't afford to lose anyone else, least of all you.

You're mine, I've decided.

[ A/N: Zack with his hood off is beautiful, change my mind ]

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