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A/N: lowkey struggled writing this chapter bc of the order of the commands given. Had to go back to the anime to check what orders went first and all. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Any suggestions are more than welcome :)

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You looked aside to the cabinet. There was a book matching with the algebraic expression written out on the paper of the first cabinet.

"You two will have to work together, one acting as the captain, and the other as the worker! Zack, you'll have to follow every instruction given, okay? Be on your best behavior!" Cathy said through the intercom.

"Damn that woman," Zack whispered, his hand curling into a fist. Your eyes scanned through the book as you were able to decode the first order.

"Zack," you said. "Can you place the man's doll on the couch?" you asked. Zack hesitated, hands shaking as he did so.

"Next, place the woman's doll at the left of the man," you told him. He placed it at the right, a look in his eyes you couldn't quite put together.

"The other side, Za—" "Shut up! I know!" Zack said, changing quickly the placing of the female doll.

Why is he so worked up...? Does this dollhouse remind him of something?

Your face had a look of guilt, and you sighed. "I'm sorry," you murmured. "Place the boy's doll next to the woman's doll," you said.

Zack did so, silently. "Give the shovel to the boy's doll," you said. Zack seemed to be paralyzed for a minute, before doing so. You noted his breathing pattern was faster and unmatched than normal.

Trauma. That's the only answer. This must've reminded him of something traumatic.

"It's okay, Zack," you whispered. You gave the final order: "Hand the bags over to the boy's doll."

Zack's eyes widened as his mouth gaped as he saw it all. Through the screen came through a reflection of a scene of a movie, portraying a killer stabbing two lovers to death, screams clearly fake sounding through.

"My, scary movie! Am I right, Zack? " Cathy said, a smirk on her face. "Quit this bullshit! I've had enough!" Zack said, lifting his scythe as he tore through the miniature wooden house.

Your eyes were wide. "Zack...?" you whispered. "Shut it," he replied, carrying his scythe, and walking to the next room.

I'm so sorry..

You didn't intend to reopen the wounds of Zack's past trauma, you just had to do so, otherwise you'd never get out of Cathy's floor and you'd be on a loop of recurring trauma.

You knew things were going to be tough, but this was too far. Cathy was toying with both his mixed feelings, his trauma, and was pissing him off on purpose.

You hated it. You wanted to stop giving him orders, but there wasn't anything you could do about it. Not in this position, where you couldn't even be physically with Cathy.

"Cathy," you said sternly, once Zack left. "Yes, N/N?" she said happily. 

"First of all, don't call me that. Secondly, fuck you for all you've done. You can call us sinners but you're no different, Cathy. So fuck off, and just give us the direct punishment. 

Quit your sadistic tendencies and get the job done already. If you're going to kill us, get it over with and don't make it worse than it already is," you spat, as you left the room.

"Aww, and here I thought you were going to prai—"


"Shut your filthy mouth, you condescending piece of shit."

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