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You followed the small boy who seemed passionate about his whole 'digging graves for people' scheme.
"Are you the one in charge of this floor?" you asked the boy, as you walked.

You hoped not, but it was most likely that the boy was the one in charge of this place, B4.
"Yep! I am. But don't worry—I won't kill you out of the blue like the others; that'd just be plain rude.
I'd want to make sure you're happy, comfortable, and peaceful when you die. I'd want you to be ready for when that time comes," the little boy responded.

Nice, I guess...? He was a bit considerate.
"You're quite the gentle killer, Eddie," you said, hands in your jacket's pockets.

"Thanks, Y/N. I just don't like it how those other brutes, especially Zack, try to kill others out of the blue," Eddie responded, a hint of anger at the mention of Zack.

"Is that so?" you asked curiously.
"Yeah! I mean, all of his victims die sad, scared, uncomfortable, and all bloody! He can't even kill properly!" the boy said, flailing his arms.

"I didn't think there was a right way to kill," you said. 

Dead is dead. It doesn't matter how someone is killed. If they die, they die.

"Well, technically, there isn't, but, my preferred style is to make sure those who die are happy and peaceful when they do," the boy answered happily.

You shrugged, walking down the hallway, following the boy. The walls hadn't changed from all the time you'd been walking. Seems it was all a long stretch.

How boring.

Soon enough, the two of you reached the back of a wall. "So now I ask you, Y/N," the boy said.
"I want you to let me kill you in a comfortable and happy place. Just say yes," the boy continued. 

Shit. This kid trapped me here...? 

You backed away, but Eddie only got closer. "Damn..." you muttered under your breath.

You were brought out of your thoughts as you heard a yell and a familiar voice.

"Hey, smartass!  You can hear me, right!?" Zack screamed from the other side of the wall.


 "Course I can, jackass," you replied, a smile forming on your lips. Eddie spoke up but was interrupted. "Hey! I'm trying to have a conversation with—"

"Shut up, coconut head! Listen up, Y/N. There are plenty of sick shits in this damn building who want to kill you.
That kid's just one apart from the manic doctor! Get this through your damn skull—if anyone's got the right to kill you, it's gonna be me! Nobody else, got that!?" Zack yelled.

Your eyes widened. Kill me...?

"You're mine to kill," he said, finishing his statement.
"Y/N, please, just say yes...Don't let such a brute kill you!" Eddie pleaded.

You hesitated before answering. You felt bad, but, you couldn't let him kill you.
"Sorry, kid, I leave myself in Zack's hands. If anyone'll kill me, it'll be him," you answered, swallowing hard.

"Right answer, girl," Zack said. "Now back away!" he said.
You jumped back to distance yourself as Zack broke through the wall with his scythe. He pulled you close to make sure Eddie would back off.

"Why..?" Eddie's melancholic voice filled the room. 

"It doesn't matter. Y/N, when you've truly made up your mind for yourself, come to the location I wrote down on the grave's map. I'll be waiting," he said, and the flickering lights returned back to normal.

Made up my mind for myself? What kind of stupidity is that? I gave you my honest opinion!

"What a mouthful. Ugh, and I thought the doctor was annoying," Zack said, snapping you out of your thoughts. 

"The doctor was just disgusting. And you were being possessive over me for reasons I still don't understand. The doctor wasn't annoying," you responded.

"Listen here, Y/N," Zack began as he pushed you to the wall, as he slammed his left arm next to you. 

Oh my.

"He got on my nerves. He didn't desire your eyes alone; he wanted youbody, mind, and soul!" he yelled.
By then, his face was close to yours, and seeing as you were pinned to a wall, it's not like you could back away.
Too close...!

"Could you maybe back away a little bit? Personal space, please," you said, a light red tinting your face. "What? Can't handle me this up close?" Zack said, a smirk curving on his lips as he neared your face on purpose.

"Shut up, Zack!" you said, averting your gaze, your face only getting redder. Zack only laughed and sighed as he backed away. 

"Whatever you say, N/N," he said, your frustration only growing.

"Now we just gotta find the little shit," Zack continued.
"I know where he may be. He left some notes in a paper I found, it's not far from here," you responded.

"Alright then, let's go already!" Zack said, enthusiastically, as he threw his scythe, catching it again effortlessly in a manner of simply showing off.

You sighed, a smile forming on your lips. Maybe tagging along with this man wasn't so bad.

You walked through a hallway, Zack following behind. "I'm at least glad you came by, thanks for that quick save," you said. 

"You were taking far too long for a simple mechanism. I thought something was off, so I went through the rooms where I saw you go," Zack answered. 

"You paid attention to where I went?" You said.

"I may be stupid, but at least I pay attention to details," Zack responded. "That's good," you said. Seeing the hallway was coming to a close, you sighed. 

"We're almost here," you told Zack.

"If we deal with the brat, will we finally go to the next floor?" Zack said, impatiently.
"I dunno, we'll have to see. No matter if we kill him or not, that won't determine if we'll find a way out," you responded.

"I just wish this wasn't so fucking complicated!" Zack said, his eye twitching. "Tell that to the psychos who built this hellhole," you said, yawning.

Soon enough, you reached a more open room, with a wide staircase in front, the familiar masked boy in front of you, holding his shovel.

"I take it you've finally decided?" Eddie said. "Yeah, so let's get this shit over with," you said, hands in your jacket's pockets.

Zack loomed over your figure, glaring at the boy. Like hell he'd watch from the sidelines. He gripped his scythe firmly.

He was more than ready to kill this crazed, obsessed kid. All his graves made him sick. It drove him mad. He was sick of this floor. 

This hellish dirt mess ended here. The kid crossed the line trying to kill his companion.

Unfortunately for him, it was far too late for him to try and convince the woman to die in his hands instead of Zack's. She was his to kill, his to hold, his to protect, and no one else's.

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