Story-Time: Chapter Four

Start from the beginning

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and eventually found everything I needed to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a gray t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and fancy gray shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today.

"Ooh.... You developed a crush quickly." Scarlet teased, making my face heat up.

"Come on now; it's impossible to fall for someone that quickly. I can point out someone being good-looking without it being a crush."

"People can fall that quickly... And thanks for the compliment."

Cameron's comment made me heat up slightly; it also didn't help that he debunked what I had just said.

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

"How many pancakes do you intend on making?"

"Enough to feed a mini army. Also known as, five teenage boys, plus me."

"Fair enough." Henry said, before grabbing a plate, and putting some pancakes on it.

Cameron came back, and grabbed five pancakes. Then, he left. What the...

"Cameron has a black hole for a stomach."

"I see."

Henry then went into the dining area.

"So dad's always had his large appetite?"

Cameron nodded, answering Mathew's question.

There, all done. I have about forty-five pancakes made. I may have overdone it. But, oh well. Deciding that I should eat myself, I grabbed a plate, put a few pancakes on it, and headed into the dining area. It had a glass chandelier that hung over a rectangular table. It had about fourteen seats. Cameron sat near the end, next to one of the ends. Next to him, sat Henry. I walked up to them.

"Enjoying the pancakes?"

Both boys looked up to me.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"They are delicious." Henry added.

"I'm so glad!" I said, before smiling, again.

"Just to let you know, we all have a certain place where we sit. It's not assigned. It's just something we made up."

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now