"Jai Listen to me. It may seem like right now nothing can fix it but I promise you that you have much more worth to everyone."  I cautiously said as I moved closer to him my hands in a position to signal that I mean no harm.

"You're smart. You're kind. You're such a good student"

He sniffed as his resolve with the scalpel faltered. I could see in his eyes that he was scared beyond words. This fear was so paralysing that he wasn't thinking straight.

"You're parents love you-"

"My dad hates me". He said with quivering lips as he started crying a fresh stream of tears.

"That's not true and you know it. He was so concern when you got attacked at the café"


In his anger his grip over the scalpel faltered and I quickly snatched it from him. He jumped in surprise and slipped and fell on the ground. This seemed to have lessened the spell as I could see his usual self returning. He tried to speak but his throat was so dry that it sounded hoarse.

"Here take some water. You've been crying for so long your throat is constricted. You poor child" I said as I passed a glass of water towards him. He gratefully took it, still sobbing and drunk it full.

"I'm so sorry Jai" I said as I watched the effect of the sedative I had mixed with the water take over. He soon collapsed into a deep sleep and fell head first into my lap. I sighed, stroking his hair and looking around at the carnage in my office.

So much sadness and hurt for such delicate a heart.


Nalini's POV

He looks so tiny with his head in my lap. My perfect little boy who has been the greatest gift of my life.

When I was told that I was having an Omega son I was so surprised. I didn't know what to think, some part of me was scared as to what he might be like? Will I ever come to love him? I had never met an Omega before would I be able to suitable provide for him?

The one person who never wavered for even a minute was Abhijeet. Ever since we found out Jai's gender Abhi started reading everything could about Omegas which was surprisingly little, even lesser for Omega boys. He always doted on Jai as our blessing and something we should be proud about. As a father, Abhijeet went way beyond what was required to protect his children.

As I looked at him now sitting in Dr. Kidjo's office I could see the deep worry lines that ran on his forehead and the pursuing of the lips he always does when he gets a bad hand at cards. His ruggedly handsome face was contorted in pain as Dr. Kidjo was detailing to us what had transpired in her office.

"And then he said something about being afraid of his mate" she recounted.

I could see Abhi's face drop. It was his idea to give him the book on Omegas, hoping it would inspire him to do more, aim higher. He wanted Jai to feel empowered in his sun-gender by studying more about his abilities. What he hadn't foreseen however, was how the graphic violence that was described in it would avert Jai to the whole idea of ever having a mate. I told him this might be the case when I read the book but he brushed it aside, instead stressing that learning about Omegan projection would help Jai control his abilities. Being an Alpha he was unable to fathom how stories of mistreatment of your kind can have grace and profound effect on one's psyche. That was all in the past though, I didn't want to tell him I told you so, he seems to be doing a great job of putting himself in misery on his own.

"Thank you Dr. Kidjo for looking out for Jai and we deeply regret the mess he's made. Is there anything else we should know" Abhijeet asked in a calm voice. I could see how much strain it was causing him to hold his composure when hearing about how much pain his son was in.

"No. That's all" Dr. Kidjo lied. She'd told me that Jai had said that his father hates him and I begged her not to tell Abhijeet. It would tear him apart given the state he is in right now. I will telll him when Jai is better and hopefully he'll be open to the idea of therapy.

"In that case we should take our leave. Once again thank you for all your help. Jai really looks up to you" Abhijeet said getting up.

"And I adore him. He's an intelligent child with a bright future ahead of him" Dr. Kidjo replied

"Thank you for your kindness. Please let us know whatever damages have been incurred by this accident and we will be happy to reimburse them"

"No need Dr. Raj. Nothing significant"

"Right then" he turned around to face me and his eyes carried guilt that could subsume all seven of the seas.

"It's not your fault Jaan" I tried to reason with him. "Our boy is not doing well. We'll need to get him help that's all"

He nodded then touched Jai's cheek ever so gently causing the boy to breathe a sigh of contentment.

"I'm here ok beta? Your father is here and I'll make this all ok" He spoke in a broken voice blinking through tears.

Suddenly Abhi's phone rang. I've heard that specific ringtone it's reserved only for the leader Alpha Loughlan.

"Yes Alpha" Abhijeet picked up the call. He was talking for a few seconds before his face went pale and his eyes nearly popped from his sockets because he opened them so wide. I could read his face was somewhere in a mix between fear and apprehension. His body alerted and he placed his hand protectively on Jai's head.

"I understand Alpha. I'll get everything in order" he said before hanging up.

"That did not sound like good news" Dr. Kidjo asked looking in our direction.

"It was Alpha Loughlan calling me to inform that the Mad King Dominic Varela has declared war against our Pack."

Goddess help us.


Author's note: hey constituents! Sorry for the delay but we finally have Dominic in the story!

It's also been an incredible journey to write down this idea that I had in my head to words and create a mystical world.

I still don't know how I'll end it lol. But I love WORLD BUILDING ALL THAT EXTRA LORE WITH SIDE CHARACTERS.

Let me know in the comments if there is something you'd want for your favourite character in the future or any tips you have for my writing style. It'll be really helpful. Bye!

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