"I reckon it's the former. They did seem to have remorse after the teacher fainted."

Leo put on his safety googles back on with another shake of his head, "I don't know how they even made it this far, or how they even have ten of their fingers intact?"

"I don't believe that question will ever be answered. I have also pondered that question many times since August."

"Wishful thinking, right? Hand me the drill."

Percy handed over the drill to Leo. Leo drilled two parallel holes in the wood.

"Why is it that every wood shop class has the same project? I've taken five different classes on wood shop and yet every one of them required me to build a birdhouse."

"This is my first birdhouse I ever built. Perhaps they didn't think anyone will take five different wood shop classes and decided to use the same project?" Percy said lining the edges of the wood together.

"You are more than welcome if you want to have my other four bird houses." Leo offered.

"Where would I even put them? I don't even know where I'm putting this one at! I haven't seen a single birdhouse in someone's lawn in over a decade... Why are we building birdhouses when no one uses them anymore?"

"That's what I'm saying!"

Sixth Hour

"Do you guys remember when they used to serve breakfast food for lunch?" Grover reminisced.

"You mean the waffles?" Thalia asked.

"Wait you guys had waffles? My previous schools never served them!"

"Did California serve you different food? Waffles were a staple for lunch about five years ago, and then they stopped serving them." Jason said.

"It was probably due to the health act. They probably deemed waffles not healthy to serve to students." Annabeth pointed out.

"I don't believe that was the reason why, look at the breadsticks they give us. You think these are healthy?" Leo said pulling his breadsticks apart and holding it in the air horizontally by one end, the other end sagged pitifully towards the table by gravity and the weight of saturated fat coating the breadstick.

"Maybe it got too expensive to keep serving them? I mean everyone bought an extra serving on those days." Piper pointed out.

"I miss them. Lunch isn't the same without them." Grover sighed while taking a bite out of the breadstick.

The table continued to eat, with the occasional small chatter.

"Percy, I heard the Stolls did something in your English class. What did they do?" Thalia asked.

"They brought pomegranates in the class. Mr. Charon passed out during his Romeo rant. They probably put the teacher into anaphylactic shock."

Thalia laughed, "Do not know the reason for the no pomegranate rule?"

Percy shrugged, "I figured he's allergic to them from his reaction to them."

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