His chest feels tight 

Almost like its constricting 

This was such a bad idea 

He holds his breath, shoulders tensing up even more

He can hear Izuku's breathing right next to him 

Izuku's hand goes to his cheek, slowly and gently leading his face to look at him. 


Katsuki is forced to look down into his eyes, and he loses all the willpower to look away despite his embarrassment. Sudden surprise coats his face when he looks at Izuku. 

The green haired boy's freckles stand out even more with how red his face is, brushing all the way down to his neck and the tips of his ears. 

He looks just as embarrassed as Katsuki, uncertainty clear in his eyes. Katsuki's hands are still gripping onto his sweatpants, definitely sweaty. 

"I... I love you too. I'm sorry i took forever to finally say it. I want to be with you for as long as you'll let me. I promise I'll do anything to make you happy, whatever it takes." 

Katsuki stares at him, eyes wide. He can feel his heart beating in his ears and he swallows. He sees Izuku's eyes trail the movement of his throat. 

They stay there like that for what feels like forever. Katsuki processes the words over and over in his head, eyes still wide. Izuku is the first to speak. 

"C-Can I... Kiss you?"

Katsuki slowly nods, not looking away. His voice comes out softly, barely a whisper. 


Izuku lets out a shaky breath, the hot air brushing against Katsuki's nose. He slowly leans in, both of their hearts hammering against their chests. Izuku's eyes flicker to Katsuki's lips, soft and smooth. 

Katsuki slowly takes his hands from his sweatpants, instead wrapping his arms around Izuku's neck. 

Izuku moves up, close enough so their lips brush together. With his hand on the back of Katsuki's chair, and the other one still cupping his cheek, he waits. Katsuki makes the last move, slowly joining their lips together. 

Its soft and warm, sending sparks up into Katsuki's brain and making his heart stop. Katsuki pulls away after a couple of seconds. 

He looks away, opening his mouth to say something, but yelps when he feels Izuku lift him up from his chair, instinctively wrapping his legs around his waist. 

He looks back at him, arms wrapping tighter. His face is surprised, red eyes wide as he looks at him. Izuku stares at him, his breathing the only sound Katsuki hears. 

They are a lot closer now, their bodies pressing against each other. Izuku has his hands under Katsuki's ass, supporting him. 

Katsuki can feel it when he squeezes and his face flames up, pulling him even closer. Izuku moves away from the table, using the wall to push closer against Katsuki. 

The blonde feels the cold wall against his back but doesn't have much time to pay attention to it. This time Izuku connects their mouths together, biting at Katsuki's bottom lip. 

Their chests rise and fall together, so close they can feel each other's hearts. It makes Katsuki feel dizzy and all he can do is kiss back, leaning even more. 

Izuku's tongue enters his mouth, and he feels his hot breath. It sends even more sparks up Katsuki's body as warmth floods his gut. 

Katsuki threads his fingers in Izuku's hair, pulling and twisting. Izuku hums and slides his tongue against Katsuki's own. His arms hold Katsuki tightly, and he feels secure being lifted in his arms as he pulls his hair to deepen the kiss. 

His hands slide down Izuku's back, digging into his skin as the kiss gets even more intense. Izuku pulls away to bite at the skin of Katsuki's neck, leaving the blonde to catch his breath in heavy puffs next to his ear. 

His face is red, and his chest is rising quickly, his eyes hazy as he feels that heat in his gut explode. 

He wants more. 

"Katsuki i love you, i love you so much," 

Izuku mumbles affections against Katsuki's skin and he bites at his hand to keep his noises from spilling out. 

Katsuki's face turns even more red, and he lets out a whine when Izuku bites a sensitive spot between his neck and collarbone. 

He feels Izuku grin against his skin as he does it again. 

This hot bastard. 

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