Pride before the fall

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Before I start I forgot to put that AFO is also Izuku quirk don't get me wrong Izuku still got the quirk he inherited in prison which is mechanical still.

After Izuku was sent to prison for being falsely accused of being a villain among his own classmates everything happened. Nezu pushed back the graduation due to Momo leaving in a different direction. Shoto is pissed that Momo believes Izuku more then him even thought he showed her enough evidence and so from there after she left they searched everywhere for her but couldn't find her nor her family. They even tried finding the Midoriya family so they can tell them that their son was a traitor it couldn't find them at all. After they couldn't find them at all they stopped caring and now living there lives with Izuku after he was sent to prison the moment he stepped inside his eye fell out as he freaked out and collapsed and was taken to the emergency ward. After a while he thought he died from his eye infection but didn't and only woke up to only seeing out of one eye and the nurse told him that he had an eye infection.

Now Izuku being in the prison for 9 years without parole until one day as he turns 27 he heard he have a visitor and hoped that it was his family and he came and saw Maseru with his wife Mitsuki

Izuku: why are you here uncle and auntie *sits down*

Maseru: I'm not gonna sugar coat this the reason why it took us 9 years is because we want to help you.

Mitsuki: yea we want you to know that we don't believe our dumbass son since he hates thinks much for what reason we don't know.

Izuku: it's because he doesn't nag me to be happy is all but please continue I have a feeling that you got evidence of me being innocent.

Maseru: smart as every yes we do your fiancé uncovered something that we are proudly telling you that we are gonna out that little bastard here in prison along with that dumbass half and half.

Izuku is shocked to say the least 1. Because he never hear his uncle cuss and 2. Is because both Shoto and Katsuki is behind it all.

Izuku: so how did Momo do it if you don't mind me asking?

Mitsuki: she recorded their conversation between each other and let's just say he spilled it all that him and that boy framed you to have both of your fiancés.

As Izuku got angry but knows that he has Momo. During the time both have been writing letters that Momo is able to get threw and tell the guards ti give to Izuku as she reveals herself to them and told them to not say a word as they did. As Izuku is inside of the prison he has been working out a lot which made him get stupidly jacked also while he was in there Izuku has been building things extremely well as most people find it marvelous and allow Izuku to build if necessary. One time they needed Izuku to repair the washer and dryer machine that was broken and Izuku had no problem doing it since he was working on his quirk that the nurse checked up on him and told him that his quirk is mechanical.

With Momo on the outside after her family were still deciding on how to get Izuku out and that he was innocent Momo remember that Katsuki hated Izuku and so she left. As she left she see Katsuki by himself and she had a bright idea to force him to tell her what really happened as she recorded and video him.

Momo: oh look who it is Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki: who the fuck are you?

As Momo removed her hood as he wide eyed that she suddenly appeared before he could do anything Momo asked him questions.

Momo: woah woah woah relax I just want to know why did you frame that loser?

After she asked him the question everything started rolling and with how prideful he was he openly admitted to what he did not knowing that this will be against him soon.

Katsuki:*prideful* oh it's because that little shit is in my way of glory and he took away my mochi who is not safe from him and mostly Icy-hot joined in because he wanted to breed you like a cow and I wouldn't blame him since you got this hot rack going on I don't mind putting kids into you like I did that little slut to bad all of them fell for the trap now move bitch so I can go to this strip clan and cheat on that dumb brown haired bitch for a stripper.

As it shocks Momo to her core that he was stupid enough to not tell Shoto that she was there in plain sight and that he was a dirtbag this who time but deep down she gotten everything she wanted and needed to find where his parents house was at to give them the evidence that she just received. As she did she made it there and told them while showing them the evidence that the so called #1 hero was doing behind everyone's back including little oh Ochako back. Momo already can see that Ochako is gonna be hurt and that her family business is gonna go out of business due to her cheating,no good, prideful husband that is gonna suffer while I'm the Todoroki's they are gonna plummet and not see them in that type of light again. What she sensed is that Nezu dumbass was gonna force Izuku to sign a paperwork telling him that if he does he'll be free but become a villain and if he didn't he was gonna stay there when he a lawyer(Maseru) with her and he quickly got everything and went to the prison.

With Mitsuki and Maseru they made it to the prison first telling him what's going to happen and just before they leave Nezu came in with Hero's with documents.

Nezu: ahh made it just in time hello there Mr. I didn't do anything I am here to tell you that you are free to go if you sign these papers.

As Izuku was about to take them he was stopped by Maseru and took them from Nezu. As he read it he ripped it to shreds as Nezu and the hero's looked at him with shock.

Maseru: that is bullshit you want him to sign the papers but want him to be a villain when he's clearly innocent I'll have him stay here until the court case.

Nezu: and why would you do that we got evidence of him being with the LOV.

Mitsuki: and we got proof that someone framed him

Aizawa: bullshit this scum bag here did the crime he needs to either sign it and become a villain or stay here and rot for the rest of his life

Trio:(your the scum bag here)

Izuku: if you all was willing to try and make me a villain without even having trail then I'll stay here until my trail.

Nezu: you don't fucking get it your not allowed to have a fucking trail you villain.

Warden: and why can't he the judge never said that he was in fact he never had a judge to prove if he can be here.

Nezu: you stay out of this warden this doesn't concern you.

Warden: watch who you talking to you rat this is my prison.

As nezu looked away in fear the warden continued.

Warden: and besides how can you tell if he lied to you or not you just threw a perp in here without trail and your telling him he doesn't need a trail if it was me and I see that he's one I'll hold one before I make assumptions.


Izuku: very well then.

Nezu:*prideful* good luck then cause you'll need it and don't even think that Ms.Yaoyorozu is yours cause after we prove that your the villain she's leaving your grasp for good along with that child she's with.

As they left feeling prideful that they know could keyword "could" win the Cornish case the trio looked at each other and smirked as they nodded at each other.

Maseru: the pride comes before the fall they are gonna be crying for mercy that's for sure.

Izuku: I know I want them to feel the same pain that I felt for all these years.

As the couple left the prison Izuku went back to doing his own thing and couldn't wait until the court date.

That's the end of this chapter

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