"Y/n, wait up!" My father yelled, his voiced sounded a bit aged. I turned to him and stared at him.

"What do you want?"

"Can I have a hug?"

"Fuck you." I turned back and started walking down the street instead of in the car. People were yelling at me but I ignored them. I don't know where I was walking but I was going somewhere.

My feet brought me to our old house. It was abandoned, I quietly opened it up. Inside was all trashed, teens have partied in here. I walked through the rooms, memories flashing at me. Eventually I made it to my room and I opened it. Everything was in the same spot. The pillows, the few toys scattered around the big dull room.

"I'm sorry, love." I whispered looking down at the makeshift bed. I picked up one of my old toys and walked out with it.

I walked back to my house, old porcelain doll in hand. By time I got back my feet were in pain but I didn't care. I took my shoes off and placed my doll on my bed.

"Y/n! I almost had a watch sent out to look for you, I thought you were kidnapped."

"No, just went on a walk."

"What's that creepy thing?"

"A doll from my old room." I said blankly sitting next to it.

"You went back? Are you alright?"

"I'm gonna go have a shower." I said ignoring her. I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. After I took off my shoes I turned the water to a hot temperature. I made the water hot enough to sting but wouldn't burn me.

I felt the stinging sensation hit my body as I slowly cleaned it. I shaved the needed areas, washed my hair and body. Once I was done I got out and got dressed, I called a cab. There was a carnival tonight and I want to go.

"I'm going to the Circus, come if you'd like."

"Oh! Okay, one second." Hannah quickly threw on her shoes before locking the door behind us.

The taxi arrived and we got in. They drove us to the Circus and I paid the man and we got out. I bought us two tickets ans we walked in.

"Can we go get some cotton candy?"

"Yes of course." I smiled walking towards the stand. A few people were in front of us so we had to wait. "Hello can we get two cotton candy sticks please?"

"Coming right up." The man spun two and handed it. "Five dollars please." I handed the five and we walked off.

"Oh my gosh this tastes amazing!"

"It does, just a bit too sugary." I giggled. We ended up going to watch the Circus proformance. We got good seats and could see the whole show.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen," The ringleader said, his voice changing octaves during it. "I will be your host for tonight. Stay in your seats because tonight will be a wild ride!"

Tons of different tricks were presented. It was amazing. Me and Hannah were on the edge of our seats the whole time.

"Thank you so much for coming! If you'd like to tip its greatly appreciated, tips can be given at the front of the tent." The ringleader said bowing.

"That was amazing, thanks for coming with me." I smiled as me and Hannah walked out with our arms on eachother's shoulders.

"Hey beautiful, come here." The ringleader tapped me on the back. Me and Hannah turn around and faced him.

"Oh my gosh you're the ringleader, you were amazing out there."

"Thanks, I try. Anyways wanna get out of here?" He asked smirking. He had green eyes and ginger hair sort of slicked back.

"I don't know, we should get going."

"Y/n go, I'll go home or just go on rides for now." Hannah smiled at me taking her arm off of me.

"Yeah, Y/n c'mon. I won't bite, unless you ask me to." He winked causing me to hold in a giggle.

"Alright fine I guess. Bye Hannah, see you later, love you." She just waved and left.

"I saw you on the news earlier. Your daddy got out of prison or something?"

"He should've stayed rotting in there but yeah."

"I get what you mean, parents are so annoying. They just keep nagging and can't help but drink their life away. My mother was the snake dancer." He said casually putting his arm around my shoulder.


"Soon was, she's retiring."


"Yeah but not like she'll be alive much longer anyways. What about your Dad? How much longer do you think he'll live?"

"Falcone probably killed him by now." I smiled letting him lead me around.

"So your dad must've sucked right? My mom does. She's a cold hearted whore who has and will never love anyone. She'd yell at me to do stuff while she's been banging a Clown in the other room. Pathetic right? And I'm like fine mom, be a whore, be a drunken whore even but don't be a nagging drunken whore, y'know?"

"I'm so sorry Mr,"

"Valeska. But you can call me Jerome."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Jerome, no child should've." I frowned looking at him.

"Eh, I'll get my revenge. I was always envious of people in foster care. Getting a home with parents who loved them. What was it like getting everything given to you?"


"No, tell me, what was it like?"

"I didn't." Jerome then turned and put a knife to my neck once we got to the woods.

"Oh yeah?"

"You wanna know what it was like?" He nodded. "It was having to watch the only person who loved you get killed in front of you by your own father. It was living in an orphanage for nine years only eventually finding out who you were when you went to prison to see your father. And when you saw your father he said how he wishes he did worse to you and he says how you look so mature and if I wasn't his daughter and he was out he would fuck me. It's being trained to be a weapon by your Uncle. It's having to be scared for your life every since day because you now have a target on your head for the rest of your miserable life." I spat at him as I was pushed up against the tree.


"Yeah." I said before kicking him in the groin and tackling him so he was on his stomach. "So don't try and compare us because we are nothing alike, and you will never have to go through all the things I have." I took the knife from him and put it in my knife holster under my pants. "Come after me again and I'll use your own knife on you. Have fun killing your mother Mr Valeska."

I got up and walked away. He just turned his head and watched me in shock.

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