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George smiled, giggling at Dreams words. "Your boyfriend" He said.

"Yes, my boyfriend." Dream said again, still smiling.

"Okay Dream, i'll be your boyfriend" He leant forwards pressing his lips on Dreams. "I like the sound of that."

They fell into a kiss, it was the perfect kiss, filled with emotion and truth, knowing that they have each other now.

Neither boy wanted to pull away, but as they started losing their breath, they broke apart, staying close together and smiling at one another.

They stayed sat there for a while longer, watching the sunset and being with the one they love. It was unbelievable, boyfriends, they were actually boyfriends.

As the night got darker, the two made their way back home, having stopped at a Mcdonalds drive thru, promising Sapnap food when they arrived back.

Dream walked in first, calling out to Sapnap, as George trailed behind flopping down onto the couch.

"Ugh." George sighed. "I'm so tired."

"George. It's literally only like nine. We didn't even wake up til like noon." Dream laughed.

"So what? Im still tired."

"George, your always tired." Sapnap interrupted. "Anyway, i'm starving, what did you get?"

Dream passed the bag filled with Sapnap's food towards him. Letting him figure out what it was himself.

Dream made his way back over to George with his own bag, lifting up Georges body and sitting down. George laying back down onto Dreams lap.

Opening up the bag he passed George his fries, having already ate the burger in the car, and got out his own food.

Sapnap had sat on the other couch watching them carefully. He had a questioning look on his face, as if he wanted to ask something.

Dream and George weren't paying any attention to the ravenette, just each other and their food.

Sapnap coughed to gain their attention before asking his question. "So~" He dragged out once he had their attention. "How was the date?" Sapnap asked cautiously, He didn't think anything had really happened since they were acting normally, but still wanted to know. Or maybe not, depending on their answer, He laughed at the thought.

"What do you mean?" George asked innocently.

"Well. I don't know. Did you have a good time?" He tried again.

"Yes" George replied simply, smiling at Dream.

"That's good" Sapnap said, slightly unsure. The two boys were acting slightly weird. Like they were talking with their eyes, as if trying to discuss something.

Eventually Dream turned to look at Sapnap. "I asked him to be my boyfriend." He smiled.


Dream shrugged at that, letting his next action speak for him.

Slowly he leant down to place a gentle kiss onto George's lips. George immediately leaning into it and kissing back. It was only a small kiss but it was enough to show Sapnap.

"I'm happy for you two." Sapnap said, genuinely meaning it.

Sapnap had the feeling they would end up together, they always had a different relationship compared to others.

The three boys ate their McDonalds and chatted away until late in the evening, now being nearly midnight, they were heading to bed.

Obviously, now the two being boyfriend, went into Dreams room for the night. Cuddling each other whilst they slept.

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