The Next Morning

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George woke up first, the hangover being the first thought on his mind. He wanted to get up and find some paracetamol for his head but found that he was tied to the bed by another person.

Dream, he was in Dreams bed. Tangled in his embrace. His mind raced back to last night, he basically begged Dream to let him sleep here. What does he do? George wanted to get up, not wanting to wake Dream up and face the awkwardness that was bound to occur, he chose to settle back down in the comfort of the bed.

God. Why did his drunk mind let him do this. Their just friends, friends can sleep in the same bed as each other. As to not overthink this more he patted around the bed to try find his phone. Having no luck, he sighed closing his eyes hoping sleep would overtake him.

Just as he shut his eyes he felt movement beside him. Staying as still as possible he waited to see if Dream was actually awake or just turning in his sleep.

"Morning" Dream muttered. It didn't quite hit him at first that it was George in his bed, he snuggled closer breathing in his scent.

"Hi Dream" George responded quietly

And that was when Dream realised. George was in his bed, George slept in his bed last night. They were cuddled close together, suddenly he let go. Sitting upright, he clung to his head when he felt the hangover hit him.

"Oh my god" he said as he fell back down into the sheets.

George scooted out the bed to go get some water and pain medication, coming back with two glasses and handing one to Dream. Thanking him they both took some medicine and drank some water. Trying to help the hangover as best as possible.

"Sorry.." George said quietly.

"For what?"

"I shouldn't have begged to sleep here last night. I was just drunk." He apologised.

"It's alright, we both were."

Dream looked at George sat on the edge of the bed. He felt the need to comfort the boy, he looked in deep thought. Without hesitation Dream placed his arms around George dragging him back into the bed, running his hands through the olders soft hair.

"Don't overthink it" He said softly "it was nice." He guided Georges head towards his own looking deep into hazel eyes. Georges cheeks blossoming a shade of pink at the action.

Both of them felt something between them, eyes flicking down to meet the lips of the other and back into emerald eyes. George leaned in closer, breaths mixing in the hot air between them. George didn't want to close the distance, he was scared. Searching Dreams eyes for reassurance in his actions, he took the leap and connected their lips.

Dream immediately kissed him back, it was a slow kiss. Lips melting together easily for a few seconds before they parted again. Dream smiled, holding onto George's chin he brought him back in for another gentle kiss, this one lasting longer than before.

George moved into a more comfortable position, turning to face Dream properly he held around Dreams neck, fiddling with the hair at the base of his head. Dreams hands roamed down to George's waist, slowly as the kiss became deeper.

Both boys became lost in the kiss, as if time had stopped just for them. Neither of them had the courage to break apart from the other, scared that it would just be a dream. That it would all be gone the moment they separate.

Losing their breath they pulled away, still close to one another as their eyes fluttered open again. They were lost in thought as they just gazed at the other. Dream was first to speak.

"You have nice lips Georgie" He said playfully

"Your an idiot" George placed his head in Dreams shoulder to cover his flustered face.

"Aww. Don't hide" Dream cooed "Your cute when your all flustered"

George lifted his head back up to see Dream smirking at him. Immediately smiling and shaking his head at the other "your so annoying" he laughed.

Dream gasped putting his hand over his heart, acting offended by what George had said.

The atmosphere was light hearted and jokey, even though they had just kissed nothing seemed to cause tension between the two.

Groaning George got back off the bed "Hangovers are stupid"

"Maybe you should have drunk as much as you did then"

"Maybe I didn't want to reveal all my secrets"

"Georgie has secrets does he?" Dream questioned playfully "Can you tell me one?"

"Stop calling me that." He ignored the question

"But i can tell you like it" Dream joked getting out of the bed "Georgie"

Staying silent this time George was making his way over to the door. Dream however had a different idea. Quickly but quietly making his way over to the brunette and hugging him around the waist.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back to my room" George said trying to turn to look at Dream.

"And you weren't even going to give me a goodbye kiss" He pouted.

"Why would i do that?" George asked playfully, teasing the other.

"Because.." Dream leant into his ear "i know you liked kissing me." He gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking away to his drawers, picking his clothes out for the day.

George left Dreams room with a small smile on his face, thinking about Dream and the kiss. Only good thoughts swam through his head as he got ready for the day.

Making his way downstairs he found Dream sat at the island with some toast in front of him. Walking over he sat next to Dream who pushed the plate towards the boy.

"For you" He said smiling down at George.

"Thanks" George picked up a piece of the toast biting into it as he felt a hand placed on his thigh. Looking down he smiled, Dream squeezed and rubbed George thigh comfortingly as they ate in silence.

That was until Sapnap came thudding down the stairs complaining about his hangover. Both Dream and George having already forgotten about theirs due to the tablets and the events that occurred this morning.

"Dude, my head hurts so bad. I feel so sick as well." He searched through the cabinets looking for anything to help.

Once he found some ibuprofen he quickly took two whilst downing some water. To focused on his on his hangover he had yet to notice the closeness of the others. But to be honest when he did notice he didn't think anything of it.

The day carried on normally Sapnap had gone back to his room to talk and game with whoever was down. Whilst Dream and George had chilled on the couch slowly inching closer as they watched more and more movies throughout the day.

When evening rolled around Sapnap had made his way into the living room where he found the two males cuddled with each other asleep. First deciding to take a picture for blackmail, and second deciding to go get nerf gun and shoot them until they woke up.

DNF kiss what do we think?? i really enjoyed writing this chapter it was very fun. i never start with a plan and it just kind of happens when i write so yeah.

hope everyone is enjoying so far and you have a good day/night

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