More Than Friends

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Relishing in the feeling of being so close to one another, they were starting to become more desperate and needy. Dream obvisouly taking the lead.

Tugging at Georges pants, he lifted himself up enough for Dream to remove them from his body. Being left in just his boxers.

Dream stared at the boy in awe, admiring every part of Georges body. From his perfect face all the way down to slim waist, he smiled down at George as he started to unbuckle his belt, removing his own pants.

This never crossed either boys mind, being in this position, it was all jokes to them and their fans.

That was until recently.

"Your perfect George" Dream hushed out to the other.

George didn't respond with words but instead moved his hand to cup Dreams crotch. Earning a small groan from him, he palmed lightly at the area.

"So desperate aren't you?" Dream kissed his forehead, running his hand through the brunette locks.

"Mhm" George hummed, sliding his hand under the waistband of Dreams boxers. Not going far enough to reach his dick, teasing the dirty blonde.

Dream didn't want to be teased any more, having had enough already, he pulled away from George and slid his boxers down. Revealing his dick to the male.

George reached forward to take a hold of it wanting to make Dream feel good, but was stopped by the other asking for him to remove his own boxers.

Doing just that, they were both now fully naked on Dreams bed. Wanting nothing more than to feel the other as the lust built up between them.

Moments passed of them just staring at each other, admiring all features of the one in front of them. Broken by the heavy breaths and the slow kiss placed on his lips.

George somehow had the control, swirling his tongue around the blondes mouths, their hot breath mixing as they pull away.

Dream stroked down Georges dick at a slow pace, earning a whine from the older.

However not wanting to waste anymore time George used the moment.

"Fuck~ Dream" He breathed. "Please~ Need more" He whined.

"You sure? Georgie" Dream whispered softly, making sure they both definitely wanted this.

"Yes. Please." Is all George managed.

Dream kissed him one last time before moving down towards the brunettes hole. Slowly inserting a finger and watching George take in the new feeling.

It didn't take long before all three fingers were inside, George moaning at the feeling. Although keeping quiet as to not alert the third male in the house.

George was already a mess and the real fun hadn't even started yet. Dream curled his fingers before removing them slowly, going back up to give George another reassuring kiss.

"You ready?" Dream spoke softly.

George nodded eagerly, wanting nothin more than to feel Dream inside of him.

And with that Dream pushed in slowly, letting George get used to the feeling first. Kissing along his cheeks and jaw in reassurance.

The dirty blonde rocked back and forth lightly, groaning at the feeling. Hearing Georges pants only escalated his want further, as he started to move faster, praising George in the process.

Both males felt close already, panting and moaning louder than necessary. Dream placing his lips on Georges, kissing deeply to try and suppress the noise coming from the boy. It's not like he didn't want to hear it, it was just they didn't want to get caught by their friend.

"Shhh" Dream hushed. "I love all the noises Georgie" He placed a quick kiss on the others lips "but we don't want Sapnap hearing, do we?"

George tried his hardest to suppress his moans from this point on, but honestly it didn't work to well. Only focusing on how good it felt, Dream moving in and out of him at a rapid pace as he edged closer to orgasm.

All that could be heard in the room was heavy breaths, Georges moans and Dreams grunts. Luckily for the two, Sapnap was busy on stream, blaring music and singing loudly to annoy their friends.

One last thrust and Dream came inside of George, slowing down his movements to ride out his orgasm. Taking hold of Georges cock he pumped it a few times until he released onto them both.

Rolling to the side both males lay there staring up at the ceiling. Neither believing what they had just done, the feeling was incredible, the want and need between the two.

Dream shuffled of the bed making his way into the bathroom leaving George alone. He thought maybe he had pushed Dream to far, after all George never once asked if it was what Dream wanted. Always Dream asking him, always Dream reassuring him, praising him, loving him.

Just maybe Dream didn't want it, maybe Dream was just doing so for George. For his wants, to please the other.

George rolled onto his side facing away from the door. He cringed at the feeling of cum leaking out. Reminding him of the mistake he just made.

Why would Dream go through with it, if he didn't actually want it. Just to ditch George afterwards, leaving him in his own thoughts, to run through the mistake they just made.

He started to cry, silent tears rolled down his cheek. He knew he just ruined his friendship with Dream. It was just a joke to him, taking it to far from the bit.

After all DNF was a bit. It was a bit for their streams. A bit for their videos. It wasn't real, and it never will be. George needed to know that.

Nothing was meant by their actions today. The time they spent cuddled together on the sofa watching movies. Dinner when Dream had kept a hand on Georges thigh, the kiss he stole when Sapnap had gone. And worst of all, the time they just shared together, the intimate moment was just to be forgotten.

George didn't think he could forget it. He had no energy to move, but knew he couldn't stay in Dreams bed any longer.

Gathering his clothes he started to dress, slowly making his way towards the door.

Click, it unlocked.

Turning the handle, George took one last look around room.

The memories of tonight would stay with him forever. Whether that was to break his heart or keep as a fond memory, he wasn't sure.

Limping back towards his own room, he dropped into his bed. Shutting his eyes and curling into a ball. He waited for sleep to take over him.

sorry guys.. this just felt like the right place to end the chapter (this isn't the end, im going to start another chapter now)

not sure what came over me to write the ending of this but yeah. hope you guys enjoyed. this took about two hours for me to write as i did struggle a bit but i think it's good. tell me what you think


also it's the start of mcc season 3 today not sure if i'm going to watch or who but yeah BYEEE

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