Starting Stream

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Today was the day, the Dream team were streaming again. It hadn't been too long since the last, They had their Christmas streams and SquidCraft 2. Sapnap still boasted about winning the event. However they had chosen to do a 'casual' just chatting stream on Sapnap's channel, his main channel. So as they were starting they chose their seats, Sapnap sat to the left, George in the middle and Dream to the right.

"Hi Chat!" Sapnap shouted when taking off the starting soon screen. He hadn't told them what he was doing, and just titled the stream 'maybe a drunk stream'.

George and Dream waved towards the camera being a little nervous for the stream they had planned, hoping the fans wouldn't go to crazy.

"So. Today." Sapnap started "You guys are going to be telling us what to do."

"Nothing to crazy" Dream sneaked a quick glance at George, "we won't do everything you guys tell us to."

"Okay so first. A list of rules i have created" Sapnap said. "Nothing illegal, for obvious reasons" He deadpanned the camera. "Second, nothing that goes against TOS. Again, for obvious reasons."

"I think they get the gist Sapnap" George added unhelpfully.

"Oh. Do you not want me to finish the rules then, hmm. Isn't there a rule that you added George?"

"Well.. i wouldn't mind that not being a thing" Dream winked, making Georges face blush a vibrant shade of red, trying to conceal it with his hands.

"Anyway~" Sapnap sung "I decided, that because you guys are most definitely going to suggest things we don't want to do, i got these." He reached forward to grab three bottles, showing them to the camera.

"I finally got George to agree!" Dream threw his arms up, nearly wacking George in the face.

"Yeah. Only cause you promised to edit my next five videos. simp."

"It's worth it for a drunk George" He shrugged

"I'll just do everything they say. Then i won't even need to drink"

"So you'll happily do that thirst trap, just so you don't have to drink"

"Yes. Actually"

"Alright. Im gonna say Georges rule now." Sapnap interrupted "No DNF bullshit is to be asked. i don't wanna see them having to kiss, i have enough of the flirting already."

The stream had started off well none of them having to drink yet. Just doing basic things like show us your most recent photo, Dream had shown a photo of George sleeping on the couch with patches lay on top, that was kinda cute. George had shown a random photo of floor, he said he had taken it by mistake and Sapnap had revealed a mirror selfie, luckily nothing bad.

Things were slowly starting to get more interesting, it was like playing a game of truth of dare, chat asking questions about their childhoods and old love lives. Which seemed to have George drinking more than the others, being determined not to give any details like that away. It was nothing major just a few sips of cider, that Sapnap had picked up, saving the stronger stuff for later.

"Who do you have a crush on at the moment?" The donation read out to them.

George instantly picked up the bottle taking a large swig of the drink. Sapnap thought for a few moments before answering. "I won't say their name, but their is a mutual friend of ours.. I may have an incy wincy crush on" Sapnap finished quickly, not wanting to expose to much information.

"WHAT?? Dude you have to tell us who!" Dream shouted.

Sapnap shook his head.

"Even if it's off stream." George added in hope of convincing him.

"At least i answered the question unlike someone here." he sassed. "Anyway. Dream, you care to answer?"

Dream looked between the bottle that was grasped in Georges hand and George himself, seemingly trying to decide what to do.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" George asked slowly. And instead of answering Dream stole the bottle from his grip and took a seemingly larger drink than he has been doing the rest of the stream.

"What? Chill out!" George squealed at the sudden action.

The next donation came through distracting them from the previous events. "I dare you to compare hand sizes." The donation seemed simple enough to the three boys so they did just that, not thinking anything of it.

The stream continues on as they slowly get more and more drunk, although none of them are actually drunk mostly just tipsy, as they finish the second large bottle of cider between them, the only one left is the vodka.

"Looks like we're onto the shots now!" Sapnap  cheers.

"This is about to get a bit more interesting." Dream adds.

George rolls his eyes hating the idea of being drunk on stream, even if he is enjoying himself.

"Can Dream lift George in his arms.. Bridal style." The donation speaks out.

"I mean yeah. I probably can." Dream says casually.

"I think they wanted you to actually do it." Sapnap says.

"Oh alright."

"Wait. Dream." George rushed. Although it was bit to late as Dream had already scooped him up into his arms.

"See. Easy." Dream shuffled George around a bit. "I could probably hold him above my head if i wanted to."

"I really don't want you to that." George mumbled "I didn't even get a choice in this."

"What was that George? You want me to lift you above my head? Okay. If you say so."

"NO. DON'T."

"Oh my god" Sapnap muttered whilst faceplaming.

George was only held up for about three seconds before disaster struck. Dream losing his grip and dropping George, somehow ending up facing Dream clinging to him like a baby. Their faces close with Dreams hands held onto Georges arse as his cling around the younger neck.

Both boys freeze as they realise the position they are in and how close they are to each other. Their eyes locking before Sapnap coughs to regain their attention.

Quickly moving on the next donation comes through. Although not being one they had expected.

"Can Dream and George post a photo of them where George is on Dreams lap taking the photo in the mirror, and Dream has his arms around him like there cuddling. but making a heart with his hands."

"What?" Dream questions in disbelief, looking towards George, who's face has just turned red again and buries it in his hands.

"I though i said no DNF" Sapnap said whilst looking towards the other two.

that picture i described is the cover of the book.. im terrible at describing things so it's whatever

also sorry this took so long to actually get the first bit done of this. i did about 300 words to begin with and then gave up. but i didn't want to post it until it had 1000 soo... yeah

anyway here's the first bit. it's more dialogue than description compared to the other book but i think it's better like this? im not sure

also this is only going to be short i can't remember if i said that or not but still i don't think it will be more than five chapters.. as i said i think i'll just do shorter books of like small moments rather than a long story. i will finish the other one at some point tho again i just need motivation to write about it again. sorry

but hope you enjoyed this i know i've jsut gone on a bit of a rant but yeah. hope you enjoy. not sure when the next chapter will be out hut hopefully soon

Unexpected Donations - DNFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora