Part 3; The Ultron Crisis

Start from the beginning

She steps closer to me and brings her hand up, pointing at me. She release a small breath and hesitantly spoke, "Okay but, you stay with us..." She takes a deep breath in, "...with me" She ends. I tilt my head up, a small smile forming on my lips. She nods before slowly turning around and leading me toward the weapon room.

We gathered everything we need, reloading guns and attaching weapons on our belts and in our holsters. The twins, Wanda and Pietro, made a quick stop at the weapon room to collect some outfits that they picked out for missions. I don't understand why there are extra outfits in the weapon room, but I think it's their suits. With a head start, the twins ran out of the weapon room leaving Nat and me to quickly grab the last stuff we need. Eventually, we were all set and ready to go. We met up with everyone in the Quinjet. The first time I've ever been in one of these. Clint and Steve were sitting up front, Clint driving. The twins sat in a corner with Bruce and Vision joining them. Thor leaned against Clint's seat, Natasha making her way towards them. Overall, everyone was minding their own business, Sam and Rhodey too. I look around the Quinjet, not sure where to sit, so I sat down on the first metal seats I saw against the wall. My eyes scan everywhere, inspecting the atmosphere before I spot Natasha and Steve staring at me while whispering. Embarrassed, I look down at my feet. They're talking about me, Steve's probably asking why a newbie like me is here on the mission.

I get kicked out of my thoughts as a pair of boots gets my attention. I look up to see Natasha sitting down next to me, twisting her head to see me better.

"Sorry about that, Steve was just confused about why you're joining a mission so early. Usually, new members go on missions later in the month" Nat explains, her voice calm and soft, yet raspy like always. I flash a smile, "No worries, I understand" I reply. I turn my head away from her, staring down at my feet. My smile slowly disappears, feeling misjudged.

I have a feeling that the Avengers think I'm not ready to fight with them...

My muscles tensed, and me flexing my leg as I felt a cold hand burn through the material of my suit. My adrenaline spikes and my mouth runs dry as I look down at her hand, touching just above my knee. "Hey..." she whispers. Slightly confused and shocked, I look at her with parted lips. I relax my body once I heard her calm voice, "Don't worry, you're ready" She said, her eyes showing sympathy.

Maybe not all the Avengers think alike about me...

Nat believes in me, the tiny smile on her lips shows it. I gulp, "Yeah," still a bit hypnotized by the sudden touch and her cold hands. I hope she didn't feel my legs tense up, that would've been embarrassing.

Her hand slips off my leg when Steve came walking towards us, "Still a long way to go, Ladies. I suggest buckling up"
He jokes, pushing himself up on a wooden crate in front of us. I smile, shaking my head lightly.

"Feed your own ego, we're busy Steve" Nat sighed.

I bite my lip, trying to prevent myself from smirking at Nat's backfire. You could hear her teasing, sarcastic voice which made Steve also puff out a chuckle with a smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, Romanoff. I just wanted to let you know, it's still a long flight until we get there." With no other comment, he jumps off the crate. Turning his back towards us, his muscles flexes, causing you to see it through his suit. I look back at Nat who's looking back and forth between Steve and me before he walks away. She clears her throat, straightening her back.

Eventually, we landed at Sokovia where it was soon to be turned into a meteorite. We gathered information a week ago that lead us here, we discovered that Ultron made a device that can make an entire part of Sokovia float in the air. The thing is, we don't know why. We started by clearing the homes, Wanda using her spells to manipulate people to go in the Quinjet's carriers. As we lead the people out of Sokovia, Vision was searching for Ultron that's when he said he found Ultron at the broken down church over the ear pieces. He said Ultron upgraded himself, he looks a lot bigger.
Busy evacuating the city, that's when Ultron started sending out his other robot minions. We fought, me using my guns. I listened to Nat, staying with her at all costs before a robot took me flying, crashing me into buildings. Luckily, I got my way out of the robot's grip, falling before Hulk caught me, safely putting me down. I thanked him and he growl in response. Already out of breath, I stand up from the ground, dusting myself off.

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