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Akutagawa's pov:


  The mission to invade the hannya group is scheduled to begin tomorrow.   Since Atsushi was attacked a month ago,   my role in the mission has been unclear. 

Dazai had informed me that these last few days after Atsushi was released,   he has been begging the ADA's president to let him return to work. 
Knowing how shorthanded our forces are,   if he keeps asking repeatedly like this,  they will most definitely use him in the mission.

I was planning on trying to talk Atsushi out of being part of the mission.  But after what happened the last time I saw him,   he won't talk to me.  

 Mori had briefly explained the plan to me.   So far,  Atsushi  is part of the plan.  But if he doesn't show up,  and the ADA decided not to use him,  then I will also be used as backup. 

But we haven't gotten word from the ADA's president regarding this.  All I can do is wait and see what tomorrow brings.   I truly do hope,   that he doesn't show up tomorrow.


 The next morning I woke up to the screaming alarm placed next to my head.  The lit-up screen read 2:00 AM.    This reminded me of what today had in store for me. 
Today would be the hannya bace invasion.  The plan was for me and the team mori had formed to meet the members of the ADA who were sent at a nearby underpass at 2:30 AM.  From there we are going to send in   I  and Atsushi would infiltrate the bace to locate their leader to capture them,.. or kill them.  And if we could,  locate some of our captured members who are most likely being tortured for information.

We would have the rest of our members as backup waiting in the woods nearby for us to ratio for backup.
If Atsushi ends up not coming then they would use plan B.

After slowly waking myself up I turn off my alarm and crawl out of bed.   I mosey out of my room and into the kitchen and began to brew a fresh pot of dark coffee.   The warm aroma filled my small, dark apartment.  

I hated getting up this early. Especially when I only have half an hour to get ready and drive across the city. 

After finishing a pot of espresso coffee,   I still felt completely fatigued.   I can not understand why mori decided that 2 AM was the best time for the mission.

I already can tell that today is going to be awful.


After getting myself ready;   I left my apartment to meet Higuchi who was waiting for me down on the street.  We drive to the meeting spot to meet the port mafia members from our group.   I, Higuchi, chuuya,  and the black lizard's group.

Soon after I arrived we see one of the ADA's vehicles driving towards us.  Before the truck came to a stop dazai opened the door and dramatically leaped out to greet chuuya.
"HEY CHUU- YA~"  He yelled as he charged in chuuya's direction.  Chuuya braced himself for impact as dazai jumped on him to snatch his hat. 

"I really hate you.."  Chuuya grumbled as dazai taunted the ginger executive by holding his hat over his head.     The ADA's truck pulled up next to us were a few of the ADA's members stepped out. 

My eyes were immediately drawn to Atsushi.    "So he is going to be part of the mission"   I thought to myself as I watched him walk past me towards dazai,   not even acknowledging me. 

I tried to discretely wave to him,   but when he saw me he looked past me,  as if I wasn't even there.   It didn't bother me though.   I understood why he was upset with me.   Yet I was still angry at him.
Not because he was ignoring me,   it was because he is here.   He showed up and is planning on putting his life on the line once again.
Even after everything that had happened last time.

I am also angry at the ADA for even allowing him to come.   I let out a sigh,  trying to clear my head for the mission.  I watch Atsushi walk over to dazai and chuuya to discuss something.   Soon after this, we began the plan.

The ADA's reinforcements and our backup members headed out into the dark woods to set up camp.  They had placed trackers and ratio headsets on jinko and I.    As soon as we located the boss,   I or jinko would ratio our team to send in the black lizard group.


I and Atsushi are in the back of a box truck being driven to the underground subway entrance.   He sat across from me without even glancing my way.  Since we got in the truck he had had his head down and hasn't spoken a word.  The tension is killing me.  "Atsushi"   I said suddenly,  waking him out of his thoughts.   He looked up at me with his lilac eyes,   confused.   Almost looking surprised at me calling his name.

"Did the ADA go over the mission with you?"  I asked sternly.    "Uhm..  ..yes,  yes they did."  He somberly said.  As if he was expecting me to say something else.
I asking him this made things more awkward.  We both just sat there for the rest of the drive.  Eventually, the truck came to a stop.  We pulled up the back door and hopped out. 

"Okay.. lets move."   I quietly said,  walking towards the large flight of stairs that lead to a large metal gate.  several meters underground.   Jinko followed me,  being completely silent.   I wanted to talk to him,  but this was business.  A very deadly and important mission.  We didn't have time to discuss our personal matters.

The depressed aura that atsushi began to bog me down.  I let out I sigh as I began to speak.  "Listen Atsushi...  when we make it out of here alive.   Then we can talk.  Ok?"    "Okay"  He quietly mumbled.

I quickly looked back at him to make sure he was keeping up.  since the gate was only a few steps away.
This is when I got a good glimpse of him.  He was terrified. 

I could see that his whole body was trembling.   His eyes were wide,   his breathing was heavy.
He had his arms wrapped around himself as he slowly followed behind me.     This stunned me. 

  This whole time I was only thinking of myself.   How I thought Atsushi should stay behind.  How I didn't want to see him in the hospital again.
But Atsushi... is trying to be brave enough to face up against the very man who tried to murder him only a few months ago.   The very man who held him high off the ground by his neck,   then used his very own tiger against him.

I had never even realized how hard all this was on him.   I was so mad at myself for not realizing this sooner.

Atsushi noticed my coming to a halt and looked up at me.   He stared at me,  confused about why I was staring at him.    I took a few steps towards him and then pulled his trembling self closer.    I wrapped my arms around him,   in an attempt to help him calm down.   "I had never realized how hard all of this had been on you.   You are so brave for facing all of this,  even after all that has happened."

I could feel him wrap his arms around me.  "I like how you said ''when we make it out''.   It makes me less scared knowing that you have strong faith that we will survive this."   He said with a hesitant chuckle,   holding me closer,  still shaking.

"Listen Atsushi."  I began   "No matter what happens in there.   I will be in there to help, and protect you."   I pulled him away to look in his eyes   "I will make sure nothing happens to you in there."

"Also,   this time it's not just you.   You have me fighting alongside you.   And we also have our back up"   I said with a smile,  pointing to the ear piece in my ear.   He smiled back at me and stoped shakeing.  "heh,  thanks akutagawa."  He said with a smile.

"Glad I could be of assistance jinko"  I said letting go of him and turning to face the direction of the large gate.
"You haven't called me jinko in quite a while."   he joked,  also turning to face the opening.
"Eh,  I thought I'd change it up a bit."    I took a few steps forwards and opened the door,  reviling the dark tunnel ahead.  "You ready jinko?"  I asked.  "Mhm"  He nodded.

And with that, we both made our way inside.


(Word count: 1469)

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