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Akutagawa's pov:

That next day I decided to go visit Atsushi.   He was ecstatic to see me and ran up to hug me when I entered his room.   

His progress was shocking.  Now, he could freely walk around the hospital without any assistance,  and he wasn't connected to any oxygen or IV.   It made me so relieved to see how well he was healing. 
Maybe he will even regain his memories soon... I know that that would be best for him...

But a part of me almost hopes he doesn't remember.

I know it's crappy of me to even think this way,  and I know that.   But the thoughts still run through my mind of how things are going to change when he starts to remember.
I love the way things are now, and I don't want it to change.


I stayed with him for hours today, but Atsushi wouldn't let me leave the hospital no matter how much I protested.   

I suppose he did really miss me while I wasn't visiting him.   He wouldn't even let go of my hand.   I sat with him long after he finished the food I brought him.  

We talked for hours as I sat next to him on the hospital bed.   He told me about the book he last read.   It was a fantasy novel about a king in medieval times who lost his daughter in a war.  He went on and on about it for an hour until he eventually fell asleep on my shoulder.  

"Hey,   Atsushi... Are you awake?"   I whispered slowly.  He didn't respond, so I began to slowly stand back up while laying him back down and placing his wool blanket back on top of him.  

He was adorable when he was asleep.  He looked so peaceful.  His long eyelashes almost touched his cheeks.  

"Are you really asleep?"   I asked as I leaned down closer to him.

I gently brushed his silver hair away from his face closed my eyes,  gently placing a kiss his forehead.   "See you tomorrow."   I whispered before opening up my eyes as I stood back up. 

This is when I saw his eyes now wide open eyes staring back up at me.  His face was completely flushed.   He stared at me in shock and did not say a single word.

"YOU'RE AWAKE"   I yelled, stepping away from him embarrassed.   He sat up and began to yell back, defending himself.

"WELL, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WOULD DO THAT?!"   "I WOKE UP WHILE YOU WERE STANDING UP, BUT IT WAS NICE GETTING TUCKED IN!"    He ranted while covering his face with his hands.

He was so flustered that he hid his face in his hands,  and kicked his legs.

"Heh,   You're adorable jinko..."    I said with a smirk as I pulled his hand away from his face to look into his eyes.

"YOU PERVERT!"  He squealed as he pulled away from me and hit me over the head with a pillow.

"Haha,  I'm only joking atsushi."   I chuckled,  handing his pillow back to him.

"Yeah right."  He said with a pout as he snatched the pillow from my hand.  His face was still bright red.

I giggled before my phone suddenly started to ring.  It was chuuya.
"I have to go now atsushi.  But I will see you tomorrow."  I quickly said before leaving the room.

Chuuya called to update me about the hannya spy mission.   He let me know that the spies who were watching the hannya hide out this morning followed one of the hannya men to another base in north Yokohama.   When they saw inside, they saw people tied up.  

Since chuuya is "busy"  He asked me to give the report to mori "In exchange for letting me  have the morning off."


The next few days after this I have been busy being chuuya's errand boy.   Now I understand what gin has been going through.  Im being forced to give Mori all of his reports,  be his personal taxi,  and cover jobs for him when  "He doesn't want to".

It's annoying,   but its kinda nice that im being put to work and not just thrown to the side anymore.   And I still have plenty of time to visit atsushi every day.   I stop by after work to bring him dinner.

We often go out and eat out on the large balcony the hospital has for in-patients.  It's a beautiful view from up there.   It overlooks Yokohama. 

 He said that he was waiting to share this view with me for a while.  He told me that he would be released soon and go back to living with Kyoka.  He still wants me to visit him when that time comes, though.   

He says that now,   but deep down, I know that it will probably change.  It is still nice to hear,   I can't help but get my hopes up. 
 I really love time with him but,   he needs to know the truth about me,  about what happened in the past.
And that day...

Since he woke up, he keeps asking me what happened to him,  and other things about the past.  But I've been avoiding answering him.  He needs to know.  Even if he doesn't remember it himself, he shouldn't be kept in the dark.

The very next time he asked me about it I told him everything.  I told him I'm in the port.  I told him who he was in the ADA.    I told him how we met.   I told him about the guild and everything. 
He seemed shocked at first, but then he accepted me.  He told me that even if it is all true, we are still friends.   
And we will remain friends.

He says that he knows I must have changed from then. 

But those promises he made....

...are all lies.


(Word count: 978) 

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