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Atsushi's pov:


"I win" Dazai said with a smug expression.

I and Akutagwa were once again left defenseless on the ground thanks to dazai's ability.  Akutagawa slowly struggled to stand to his feet as he spoke. "Damn you, dazai."  He muttered while holding his arm that he had just fallen on.

"Here is another lesson for you,  akutagawa."  Dazai began.   "You will never defeat me all by yourself."  Dazai said as he patted Akutagwa on he sholder.
"I will be taking my leave now." Dazai said before he turned to leave,  he quickly left the werehouse. leaving akutagawa and I behind.

 I still sat on the ground, sore from the fall i had just endured.
Akutagawa stumbled on his feet and fell back down to the ground next to me.  "DAMN IT" he suddenly yelled as he puched the ground.  Casing be to jump a bit.
"Without my power, im completely useless."  He cried.  I saw tears start to well up in his eyes. I watched baffled,  un able to think of what to say.  Do i comfort him? This was the first time I've seen him act so .... human.   

He always puts up a wall of cold emotion.  But right now, I could see his pain.

I started to reach out to him. Placing my hand on his shoulder.  "Akutagawa-"

"Dont fucking touch me jinko."   he said,  slapping my hand away.

"I-"  I mutter stunned by his reaction.

Akutagawa stood back up and placed his hands in the pockets of his long black coat. He didn't speak or move for a moment,  just froze.
But after soms tims he snapped his head towards me.  He looked down to me,  the pain in his eyes replaced with a sudded determination.

"Look at me jinko."  He said in a stern voice.  I looked up at him,   his luminescent silver eyes pirced though me as they caught the light pouring through the tatterd roof.  I felt butterflys start to swarm in my stomach.

He appeared calm,   yet I could see the the clenched fist next to his side.   I knew deep down that this was yet another failure in his eyes.   He took a deep sigh before speaking.   "Jinko,   would you please train with me?"   He quietly asked while looking away.   "Huh?.."  I muttered,  confused by his out of pocket question.

He looked back over to me irritated  "Forget I said anything"  he grumbled. 

 I began to giggle a bit from his suggestion.  "A moment ago you hated the idea from dazai"   I said with a chuckle.

"Nevermind then.."  He said as he turned to leave.    "Wait Akutagawa!"  I yelled before he could leave.    "What is it?"   He grumbled as he turned back.   

"I will"  I said.  "I mean I will train with you,.. if you still want too that is."   I said.  "BUT I STILL HATE YOU"   I added as I crossed my arms with a pout.

I could hear him chuckle from across the werehouse.  I look up to him to see him acturally,  somwhat laughing.    This was the first time that ive seen the cold mafioso laugh.    "So he is human."    I thought to myself as I waited for his reply.   

"I still hate you too.   I am only turning to this option so that I can show dazai my strength."   He said back in his same old cold tone.

"YEAH I GET IT!  YOU HATE DAZAI! I yelled immediately after he finished speeking.  "Also I am only agreeing to this because I need help controlling my tiger.   Everyone at the agency has simple gifts that cant take over their minds!"   I said in a huff.   He rolled his eyes.  "Fine.   Next time we kick dazai's ass."   He said,  seeming motivated.

Dont Leave Me  [Shin Soukoku]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum