A True Demon

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Akutagawa's pov:


Over the past month,   there have been constant rumors and false reports being spread through the port mafia.
Each one is regarding the masked men's location,  or anything that could possibly be related to them. 

These rumors and false reports appeared when the groups rampage began many weeks ago.

Every time the port mafia is informed of one of these tips,  we are forced to look into it.
We send our members to investigate each and every report.

At first, mori would assign an entire sqaud of agents to investigate every single report.   But now, after weeks of this,  and nothing ever being discovered from it. 
 Every lead we followed always led to a dead end.

So now,  Mori had made the decision to send only one agent to investigate these never-ending pointness reports at a time.

I have been "blessed" with a lot of these jobs.  Every time boss summons me, it's always the same thing. 
He gives me a list of reports to look into, or people to tail. I go to the addresses, and nothing is ever there.  Either the masked men have already abandoned the spot.
Or,  if they are actually there when i arrive,  they either escape or commit suicide.

Work has become dreadful now of days. I think in this last month I have received maby two normal jobs.


I woke up in the morning,  feeling under the weather with a bad headache.

My body was sore as I lay in my bed.  By head pounded worse my the minute,  signaling that a migrain was approaching.

I grunted as I rolled out of bed,  dreading the day I had before me.

Once agein I had a long list of reports to look into today.
And once again, i was being forced to ecsplor yokohama in the freezing january weather all day.  Even while feeling sick.

"I dont want to go to work today. I feel like crap. And my head is killing me!  Maby mori will allow me to take the day off."

"Heh, I doubt he would agree to that,  consitering how the masked men's rampages are becoming way more freqent."  I mumbled to myself out loud as I moped around my room in search of my inhaler.

"Where the hell did I put my damn inhaler?" I grumbled, getting annoyed at searching my room for the last ten minutes for it to no avail.

"Maby gin knows where it is,"

I walked out of my room and down the narrow hallway of my apartment down to Gin's room.

"Gin!"  I yelled with a yawn

"I can not find my inhaler anywhere! Did you hide it while you were cleaning yesterday?"  I asked.

Gin was already dressed,  she had her hair tied up for work.  once she heard my question, she stood up from her bed and set down the book she had been reading.  She looked at me and let out a giggle.

"Ryu..if I wasn't here, what would you do with yourself?"  She taunted,  "You need to get your head screwed on straight.  Dont you remember? You put the inhaler in the kitchen cabinet so you wouldn't lose it again!"  She reminded me in a playful tone before walking past me to the kitchen.

I followed behind her to see what she was doing.
She opened the cabinet to reveal the inhaler sitting at the front of the shelf.  "See?" She said

"Heh, thanks, gin," I replied with a chuckle.   She took the inhaler out of the cabinet and handed it to me.

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