4 ° The Confusions

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Jungkook and his manager drove to the dorm after completing all the hospital formalities. But, Jungkook just kept staring at the bracelet. 'What if she hadn't come there?' 'what if she didn't  follow him?' 'what if she doesn't make it?'. All these 'what if' questions were eating him up. He sighed and looked out the window to see peaceful, empty roads, contrary to his chaotic mind.

After they reached the dorm, Jungkook quietly got down from the car and headed towards the door. He went inside with his manager close behind. But both of them were stopped by a loud voice that echoed through the corridor.

"Do you have any idea how much we were worried about you?" Bang PD questioned with his authoritative voice from the hallway. Jungkook just stood there, looking at the ground not answering anything, not wanting to get into any trouble.

"Sir, please relax. Give him some time. We will talk to him about it." Yoongi said giving Jungkook a sympathetic look.

"Jungkook, don't misuse the freedom given to you. And you Mr Kang, next time something like this happens, you are fired." Bang PD warned Jungkook and his manager and walked away.

Jungkook just nodded and hung his head low. After Bang PD left, he saw his bandmates', worry evident on their faces. He was in no mood for any explanation. So he just sighed and headed to his room. Nobody questioned anything as they all knew Jungkook needed some time.

Jungkook freshened up letting the cool water wash away the dirt along with the unwanted thoughts. He came out and wore a grey, comfy co-ord set and went to sleep. But how do expect one to sleep when another person was lying in a hospital bed because of them?

So he opened his room door slowly and walked quietly to the terrace. 'I wanted to clear my mind' he thought. Funny isn't it? Because not too long ago his same feelings lead him to this situation, but here he was again putting himself in the same spot. After all, habits die hard.

"I knew you would come here," Namjoon said startling him as soon as he opened the terrace door.

"Yes Dad you know me well," Jungkook said teasing him. Namjoon giggled and patted the seat next to him for Jungkook to sit.

Both of them stayed there quietly. The cold night wind blew, relaxing the tensed muscles in their body. Namjoon did not question Jungkook anything. That's the thing about Namjoon, he always knows the right thing to do.

"Why do people have to suffer because of me?" Jungkook questioned looking towards the sky as if seeking answers from the authorities above. 

But Namjoon took the responsibility to answer the question."What happened was not your fault. You did not intend it to happen, Jungkook," he said looking at Jungkook."But yes, what you did today was not at all acceptable Jungkook. I guess, it is a lesson for you to know how many people's life is dependent on yours," he said.

"I understand why you did it, Jungkook, but you need to be more careful," Namjoon said ruffling his hair. His soft touch was enough for Jungkook to realize his mistake. Jungkook just melted at Namjoon's touch.

"Now, don't overthink yourself. Just go and rest. We need to practise for our last day's concert tomorrow." Namjoon said and went back to his room.

Soon even Jungkook came back to his room to sleep. He had to have a good night's sleep if he had to practise well tomorrow. He can't afford any mistakes at their last day's concert.


This is more of a chapter to bond with the character. Not much of a plot development is seen. But I guess you enjoyed it anyways. I hope you like the bond between Namjoon and Jungkook.

Until the next chapter.......

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