2 ° The Disaster

5 2 7

The third day of the BTS concert came to an end. Everyone was satisfied with their performance. Except for one, Jeon Jungkook. He did not give his best in today's concert. Although everyone said it was ok, that everyone makes mistakes, he was not ready to accept that.

While everyone was busy relaxing and celebrating the success of the concert, Jungkook needed some time alone, so he snuck out without telling anyone. He needed some fresh air to clear his mind.

Jungkook took a stroll in the nearby neighbourhood with his hands stuffed in his coat pocket. He was wearing a long black coat with a mask and a beanie. He was in incognito mode. But little did he know that there was a person who recognized him just by the way he walked.

That person did not expect to see, the great JEON JUNGKOOK, all alone in the streets. Seeing Jungkook in person after all these years brought back some unpleasant memories for him. Before he could think straight his legs moved, following Jungkook.

He followed Jungkook without knowing why. Seeing Jungkook was like a trigger for his suppressed anger to burst out. He looked at his surroundings to make sure no one would notice. He took the right opportunity and dragged Jungkook to a quiet alley and threw him to the ground. That person without hesitating started to punch and kick Jungkook.

"You. Deserve. This." he said each word in between punches. Jungkook was overpowered by him. He neither could defend nor attack. He just did what he could do best at the moment and started screaming.

But his screams were muffled when that person stuffed a piece of cloth in his mouth. Jungkook was sure of one thing, this person was not here to kill him, because if that was his intention, he could have easily killed Jungkook by now. He only intended on hurting him. But why? Who was he?

As he was losing hope, there came an angel to save him. The girl who came out of nowhere hit the man with a wooden plank, only for him to flinch. He turned around to face the girl, giving Jungkook a break.

The girl who came was non-other than Lily, who was heading home from the grocery store when she heard muffled sounds coming from the alley. Lily was surprised to see someone getting beaten and decided to do her part to help. But little did she know it was Jungkook who she was helping.

Lily slightly tilted her head to the side to see who was getting beaten. Her eyes widen to see Jungkook lying there. As both of them were busy processing everything that is happening. The man took this opportunity and made a run for it.

But, Lily was quick enough to react and caught hold of his jacket. But he just shrugged it off and escaped. As an instinct, she started to chase him leaving Jungkook alone.

Lily rounded the corner to the main road. She turned to her left and then to her right, to see the man slowing down. She quickly sped up and caught hold of his shoulders. She turned him around, while accidentally removing his mask. Lily was beyond shocked to see the person behind all this.

"You," Lily said in a low tone. Her voice was lost. She could not articulate a proper sentence. She did not even want to hear anything that the person had to say. She just turned around and started running.

*Car screeching*

Next, everything happened in slow motion. The pain due to the impact slowly increased and then started to reduce as her mind started to go blank.

Lily saw her whole life as a short film. Recalling everything, good and bad." "Why did a beautiful day like today end a disaster? Why did I have to see Jungkook getting beaten, right after attending their concert? Why did I have to see him, off all people?" these were the questions running through her mind. In that small fraction of time, she regretted some of her life decisions.

Jungkook who followed Lily saw everything that happened. He saw the driver responsible for the accident back his car and escape. As much as he wanted to follow him, he had to make sure that the girl was alright. On the other end of the road, he saw that person watching them. But as soon as Jungkook saw him he turned around and walked away.

Jungkook knelt beside Lily checking on her. "Hey! Are you alright?" he asked. These were the last words that Lily heard and Jungkook's was the last face that she saw.


Who do you think tried to hurt Jungkook? What is his relationship with Lily? I would love to hear your theories on this.

Until the next chapter.....


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