Percy's Birthday 2/3

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Tyler's POV

When we got to the beach, Percy jumped into the water.

With me on his back. The water actually wasn't that cold.

I climbed out of the water, and sat on the sand.

I was looking at the beautiful scenery, then saw a big lump in a net at the far end of the beach.

I started walking over.

When I got there, I poked it with my foot.

It moaned. It was a Sea Turtle! I gasped, then rolled it over.

I looked around, and saw a broken piece of glass laying in the sand.

I grabbed it, not caring that I started bleeding.

I cut at the rope, until the turtle was untangled.

I lifted the turtle out, which was pretty hard seeing as it was bigger than me.

I accidentally got blood on its shell. My blood.

I later it on the sand, and tried pushing it into the water, but It was too heavy, and I was too tired.

"PERCY!!" I shouted.

A couple minutes later, he was at my side.

He saw the turtle, and pushed it into the water.

I needed to clean my hands before Percy could see them, so I tried washing them in the ocean.

Bad idea.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed.

Percy scooped me up in his arms, and saw my hands, which still had some blood.

"Let's get home." He said.

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