I meet some people part two

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Tyler's POV

"Hi sweetie. What are you doing all alone?" One woman asked.

I felt like I could trust them easily, so I told then about the bullet, coma, and kicking.

"Oh, by the way. My name is Tyler, Tyler Jackson."

"Nico to meet you Tyler.
I'm Emily Zhang."

"I'm Esmerelda Valdez."

"Maria DiAngelo."

"And I'm Tristan McLean."

I gasped.

"I know your kids! Piper, Leo, Nico, and Frank!"

"What about Bianca?" Maria asked.

Percy had told me about Bianca.

"Oh, uh. Bianca was on a quest. A couple years ago.
And didn't come back. She died a hero's death." I tried to tell her lightly.

"Oh." she said quietly.
"Well. Let's go see our kids!" Tristan said. "Haven't seen Piper for a while."

I led them back to the apartment.

"Wait." Esmerelda said.
"Most of us are supposed to be dead, but Hades let us go. just so you know." She said.

I nodded.

I opened the door and shouted.


All the kids stumbled into the room. "Surprise! Where!" Leo asked.

Thalia was here too along with the 8.

"Come on in!" I called out into the hallway.

"Hey dad." Piper said.

"Hey Pipes!" He said, hugging his daughter.

"Mom?" Nico squeaked.

"Wha???" Leo asked.

Frank was already hugging his mom.

"Is my mom here?" Hazel asked, looking around.

"No, i didn't see anyone else. Sorry Hazel." I said.

"It's okay..." She said sadly.

"I don't care of our mom is here." Thalia said.

"I'm agreeing with my sister so I don't get punched." Jason said. Smart kid.

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