Milo meows trying to get out of oaks grip. "Traitor!" He gasps as Milo runs over to me.

The knock at the door as excitement rolling through my body. Brie moves aside letting me get up to open the door.

The breath gets knocked out of my lungs, Alessandro dressed in his black button up dress shirt and his black slacks. The silver chain around his neck hangs low, dipping into his slightly unbuttoned shirt. Swirls of black peak out, on his visible chest. The sleeves are rolled up half way, his veins and tattoos on display.

I swallow thickly, subtly pressing my legs together. "Hi." My voice comes out breathless making my face heat up.

"Hi." He grins. He immediately pulls me by the neck, parting my lips with his tongue. His tongue swirls around mine, not helping the heat in my lower stomach. He pulls away slightly, sucking on my lower lip drawing out a whimper from me. "You alright amore?" His eyes roam my face, "you look a little red, is it hot?" His smirk grows making me huff.

I look down to Milo in my arms, smirking. "Here Milo," I look back up to Alessandro, keeping eye contact as I say, "go with daddy."

I see surprise flicker across his face, with the slightest widening of his eyes. He clears his throat, adjusting his pants before grabbing Milo from my arms. I turn on my heels, feeling accomplished.

As soon as I re-enter the living room Oak bursts into laughter. "You're actually cuddling a cat! Oh god!"

"Shut the fuck up." Alessandro snaps. I gasp as my head snaps his way, "language."

"Shut the heck up." Oak bursts into laughter all over again making Alessandro's glare harden.

I shake my head at the two, taking my spot back on to couch. My mouth waters at the sight of all my strawberries. Does pregnancy enhance your taste? These strawberries have never tasted better.

I grab the biggest one, feeling excitement to eat it. Except, it gets snatched out of my hands by Alessandro. He slowly brings it to his mouth, "Alessandro put that down!"

"Amore, you have an entire basket." He chuckles, "get a different one."

"No." I pout, "I wanted that one." I reach for the strawberry, he grins as he holds it above my head.

Every time I reach he pulls it higher. I huff, sitting back down, "I was going to sleep at your house today but I changed my mind."

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, immediately bringing the strawberry to my mouth.

"I don't want it anymore." I grumble pushing him away. His thumb brings down my chin as the other stuffs the strawberry in my mouth.

"It didn't taste as good." I huff, slouching into the couch. He lays a kiss on my lips making my pout melt into a smile. "You'll sleep over at mine?"

I roll my eyes, not being able to contain my growing smile. "Fine."

"I was thinking we could go to the bowling alley." Brie grins.

"B, that place closed long ago." Back in high school we'd go to the bowling alley every Friday, it's closed down since then.

"They're having their grand re-opening." She squeals,  a bright smile covering her face. "We should go."

"Wanna go, amore?" Alessandro's hand lays on my thigh as he gently caresses my exposed skin.

"Why not?" I shrug, "Oak wanna go?" His gaze snaps away from his phone, "what?"

"Oh god." Brie groans, "you're worse than Violet and Alessandro!"

"Want to go bowling?" I chuckle as a blush covers his cheeks. He nods, sheepishly putting his phone away.

His flowers Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ