Chapter 18 - betrayal

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It was like slow motion watching my best friend die, Tara was crying and Sam was shocked. Chad was bleeding from his mouth and finally fell over.

The two Ghostface stared at us and in sync sliced chads blood off of their knife. Sam pulled us away quickly and we ran.

I had to help Sam drag Tara out but we got into the lobby, Kirby was still unknown.

I remember being this frightened and it was last year.. with amber shooting Liv in the head everything changed.

That was the first time I actually thought I was gonna die and now.. I'm thinking the same thing. Ghost face wasn't behind us anymore but as we were in the middle one came out behind the stage and another behind us.

The one behind us rocked his knife and Tara screamed, I looked in front of me and this one went oddly familiar. He looked me right in the eyes and tilted his head.

He pointed the knife at Sam and she groaned, Sam gave us bricks and I went in front of her. "Oh, my god." Tara cried out and I closed my eyes.

"ready? I need you to be ready you ready!" Sam yelled at us both and I nodded. Tara was a crying mess while I tried to stay calm.. last cry I was just like her but I was so tired of this.

Sam turned around, "look at me.." Tara stared at her and Sam smiled softly. "I'm ready.." she replied and I sighed.

"We're ready Sam!" I yelled and Sam took a deep breath. "Come on motherfucker!" Tara spat and a gunshot was fired.

The two ghost faces ducked while I covered my head, "shit!" I muttered. We all looked up and it was Kirby, she was bleeding all over and she looked frightened.

"It's okay!" She screamed and Sam glared at her grabbing us. "Stay the fuck back!" I try to say something but Sam grips us.

"We know it's you kirby" Tara replied and Kirby looked frightened but confused, "one of them.." she breathed heavily, "knocked me out!"

That's when another voice came into the room, "Kirby stop!" I look over and it was detective Bailey. Kirby aimed at him while he did the same, "get away from the girls!" He glared.

"what are you doing?" She yelled and he stared at her.

"did you kill coming?" She stopped and raised a brow, "did you kill my daughter!" Bailey spies and Kirby looked scared.

"Jesus Christ!" She yelled and he kept the gun at her, Bailey looked upset while Kirby was keeping a scared look.

She sighed, "whatever he's been saying to you don't listen to him... he's probably the killer!" I looked at Sam and shrugged.

I obviously trusted Kirby but this was too much, she couldn't have been fired from the FBI.. I would've known.

I looked at Bailey, "she has the be telling the truth!" I yell and Bailey looks angry, "I would've known if she was fired.." a Ghostface appears behind Bailey and Kirby jumps.

"Behind you!" Bailey shoots Kirby and my mouth opens wide, "no!" I scream and Sam was frightened. Tara had an expression I couldn't explain while Bailey was muttering.

I look at Bailey again and Ghostface stops, "oh shit!" I scream. Bailey smirked and Sam looked betrayed. "Great job" Bailey held the gun down and ghost face waved his knife.

The other one came to his side and I swear he was staring at me, I wasn't crying but I sure as hell felt like it.

But I was more pissed, my face held a glare and Sam saw that. "Both of you.." Bailey finished and they both nodded.


"Yeahh of course me.." Bailey shrugged and a tear fell on tara's cheek. "frankly I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us.." he finished and Tara looked confused.

"What do you mean us?"

The one on the right suddenly tried to take his mask off, I stared at him, and while he finally took it off everything inside me stopped. I felt like I wanted to cry or just disappear..

The person I fell for and trusted..

It was Ethan.

Scream for me | Ethan Landry x Fem reader | 16+ |Where stories live. Discover now