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"F e t i s h"

Well, it was fine, I admitted it. Beyond the curiosity and great surprise that caused her that revelation, it had excited her a little too much for her taste. It's not that she didn't like girls, because she considered herself bisexual. Not that she disliked the fact that Lisa had a cock, because fuck! Lisa was the complete package, she was a beautiful girl, with big hands as she liked, tall, with adorably large and captivating eyes, but she also had – from what she could see – a big cock that promised to take her to the most pleasant orgasm and that was what shocked her. And no, as much as Lisa was very comfortable for her and was nothing but the most attractive girl she has ever seen, was not what Jennie was really looking for.

Jennie was of high standards and Lisa literally surpassed them all, but there was a small detail and that is what mattered for Jennie to be interested in having a relationship with her, and that is that Lisa definitely did not look anything like a father figure.

Jennie let out a sigh looking at her notebook, her eyes fixed on the statistics copied minutes before her mind again sank deep into what had made her fall asleep late the night before, and that is that she could not get it out of her mind, it was like a blessed scratched CD that reproduced her name over and over again.

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...

She shouldn't have been so involved, she knew it, she should have let it go. But no, she was so damn curious that she wanted to know who that admirer was to whom she had mistakenly sent a photo that was intended for her ex. Of course, it did not take her long to find out that it was Lisa, since once she sent her number to Chaeyoung she was in charge of discreetly asking trusted people if they knew whose number it was, until finally someone said she knew whose happy number it was. It didn't take her much or that long either, but once she knew who the number was, she had to forget it. It's not like she's interested despite the girl's wide appeal, it was nothing more than just aimless innuendo to anything other than just her fun at seeing the blonde blushing and stuttering.

And maybe, just maybe, the excitement and pride that caused her to know that by sending her those racy images, her member would wake up, Jennie would be the protagonist of her fantasies and owner of each of her moans when the blonde masturbated for her, if she really did.

But then there were those eyes, those beautiful eyes of Lisa had bewitched her. And then, when she didn't think that blonde couldn't be more perfect, she discovered that she had a big cock under that skirt. God, only she knew how much Jennie resisted not touching her. She was very curious, I couldn't help it, I wanted to see her and touch her, I wanted to see how big a girl's cock could be. But she resisted, and on the immense desire to do the opposite, she walked away.

However, what dislocated her greatly was not the realization that, in fact, she was acting against her wishes, but that she had the desire to simply fall to her knees in front of the blonde, raise her skirt and expose what seemed to be a large and appetizing cock, her mouthwatering at the image provided by her imagination.

It's not that Jennie was some kind of needy whore, nymphomaniac or anything like that, it was rather the fact that her ex had literally ended her in her silence and perpetual demise, and Jennie – even though it didn't really hurt the breakup because they didn't really get to that much that for her to love the man – she felt lonely. She needed someone's company and her need to feel loved was constantly confused with lust that seemed to have become a disguise even for herself.

Everything would be easier if only she was normal, if only something was different. If only Jennie did not have family problems and consequently that fetish. Or if Lisa were a man, big, older, whose presence made her feel as small and helpless as she wished to feel, and then as protected, pampered, and loved as she longed to feel.

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