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"Have mercy"

She was having a hard time breathing, and even more so when she felt that Jennie stole her breath with that smile that she loved so much. Her closeness made her hands sweat and her legs lose a little strength. Nerves and adrenaline began to emerge and suddenly she felt his blood warm up to her cheeks.

She knew, Jennie had figured her out, and Lisa didn't really know how to react to it. Should she deny it? Should I tell her she was wrong? Should she confess her feelings? What should I do? It was in those moments when Lisa prayed for her friend to have telekinesis and read her mind to go rescue her from an eminent disaster caused by the great talent that Lisa had to self-destruct.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the softness of the touch of Jennie's fingers on her right arm, her fingers tracing invisible lines from her shoulders to her hand, leaving her there and squeezing her slightly, that smile never wavering on her precious red lips.

"Why so quiet?" Did the cat eat your tongue? Jennie approached her face, Lisa swallowing nervously at this and her heart beating fiercely in her chest, Jennie brushed her lips on her cheek and Lisa felt her smile and the words that followed afterwards, her member reacting to them. "I haven't done that yet.

Lisa wanted to escape but at the same time wanted to remain eternally in that position, with Jennie leaning towards her, with her lips brushing her cheek and her soft touch giving her warmth. But then she remembered that she had an erection under his skirt, this bulging a little in front, becoming totally visible to the spectator public, which in this case consisted of the only, but the most important and powerful, presence of nothing more and nothing less than the cause of her hormonal and sentimental disorder.

"Ah- me...


Jennie separated a little so she could see Lisa's face, widening her satisfied smile with the blonde's blush. She loved it, she had always liked what her presence and actions provoked to people, even more to those who liked her, as well as her beloved secret admirer not so secret, whose big brown eyes had captivated her with that glow of panic and love.

Jennie liked to play, and she liked to flirt a like too much, foreplay was her favorites and knowing that she had so much power over a person as to leave her speechless or with a great erection as she always left her previous Daddy, gave her an inexplicable pleasure. So, it was not surprising when Jennie, in an attempt to surprise her admirer with a flirtatious kiss on her cheek, brought her free hand to the back of Lisa's neck and her leg entering between Lisa's with the intention of pressing her leg against Lisa's crotch, will take a surprise of the most pleasant and quite peculiar.

A big surprise with gasps included. Lisa cannot suppress a gasp of surprise and pleasure when she felt Jennie's leg brush her erection.

Stunned, Jennie lowered her gaze with her eyebrows raised and her mouth open in a perfect "o", causing Lisa to put a hand to her face covering it while cursing inside.

Great, perfect, now Jennie knew her big secret. Could this get worse?

-Oh? Lisa, you... -Jennie turned her gaze to the blonde, her eyes darkening as she discovered Lisa's secret. -Do you have a penis?

Lisa opened and closed her mouth several times, her cheeks burning and her palms sweating non-stop. Jennie had her in a complete mess and her member wouldn't stop throbbing desirous of delicate, soft hands, preferably Jennie's.


There was no point in hiding it any longer, she knew it, she could feel it, Jennie felt it with her leg, there was no way to deny it. So she took a deep breath to calm her heart and her mind to formulate a coherent response. However, as she took a deep breath her nostrils were invaded by the exquisite smell of Jennie's perfume and the scent of vanilla hair. So, she decided that to calm herself, she would need more than a deep breath, so, nerves to the hilt, she placed her hands on Jennie's waist, Jennie flinching slightly at her sudden touch, then gently pushed her back, away, far, far away from his erection.

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