I immediately open my mouth for him, his tongue thrusts into my mouth. I moan, pulling him closer by the neck. My fingers travel up into his hair, pulling on the roots. A deep groan leaves Alessandro, heat pools in my lower stomach.

My hands slide down his back, as I roll my hips into his. A small whimper leaves my own lips when he grabs hold of my ass pushing me into him. "Aless." I mumble, biting on his lip. "You'll be back later?" I ask, breathing heavily.

His forehead drops against mine. His warm breaths hits my top lip, "mhm, I'll text you." He gives me one last kiss on my nose before leaving.

I slump back onto the couch searching the floor for the tiny ball. I throw my head back, groaning in frustration. I did all my school work yesterday, leaving me with nothing to do today.

I grab my phone, shooting Brie a quick text.

I'm too bored. I'm going to work. Idc if you let me work or not but I need something to do.

I shut off my phone, not waiting for her response. I grab my keys from the counter, making my way to the parking garage.

It's relatively empty, chills run up my arms. I speed walk to my car feeling uneasy. The rattling of a can behind me has my heart dropping.

I'm easily scared. More like my mind jumps to the worse case scenarios.

I hop into my car, quickly locking all the doors before driving off.

Arriving at the bakery, I grab my phone seeing a message from Brie before walking in.

"Violet!" She groans when she sees me. "You should be home, resting."

"I'm well rested enough." I pout, my shoulder sagging. "Fine." She grumbles. "Did you eat already?"

"Yup." I slide into the barstool as she stands behind the counter. "Alessandro brought me breakfast."

"Oh, that's nice." She stares at me intently before repeating herself. "Oh."

"What?" I respond as she grins at me. "What?" I repeat.

"Are you guys like a thing now?" I feel my lips involuntarily quirk up. She squeals, excitedly tapping my arm. "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me!"

"We talked about it the other day." I smile remembering. "Oh!" I grin, knowing she's gonna love this. "He told me he thinks we should find out the genders of the babies at the next appointment and throw a gender reveal."

B freezes, a smile coming along her face. "He came up with the idea?" I nod, earning another squeal. "Oh V, it's a lovely idea. Also remember that his mom is very crafty. She's the perfect person to plan this."

I gasp, "That's what I was thinking." She grins, pointing from her head to mine. "Telepathic." She murmurs.

"Oh!" She perks up. "Handle the register for me really quick. I need to go grab the things from my car." She hands me her waist apron, grabbing her keys on the way out.

She went shopping yesterday. She texted me a bunch about all the cute baby things she found.

I tie the burgundy apron around my waist, standing at the register. I grab the current customer her banana muffin just as the bells above the door jingles.

As the nice lady walks away I feel my body grow cold. Blond hair and brown eyes stare back at me from the front of the bakery.

He walks over to me terribly slow making me panic. "Violet." He murmurs, disappointment lacing his tone.

"Todd." I croak out. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

He grins, sending shivers down my spine. My knuckles turn white as I grip the counter, keeping them from shaking. My heart beats wildly against my ribcage as he stares at me, grinning. "I'm just checking in." He licks his lips, looking me up and down. I try to keep the disgust off my face to not make him angry.

He leans both of his hands on the counter, leaning closer to me. "Are you still pregnant?"

My blood runs cold. How does he know? He chuckles, as if he read my thoughts. "I found the test."

His voice lowers, his eyes darken. "Get rid of it before I do." He grits out, his eyes lowering to my stomach before he turns around and leaves.

Brie's touch brings me back, "ok I got the-, what's wrong?" Her panicked voice reaches my ears. My breathing staggers, as hot tears stream down my cheeks.

She follows my gaze to the door. I feel her body stiffen beside mine. "What the fuck is he doing here?" She grits out.

"He wants to kill my babies." I cry, finding it hard to catch my breath. "No. He can't, he can't." I cry, as she grabs me by the shoulders taking me to the back.

"Deep breaths, V." I shake my head as her words ring in my ears. My vision blurs as she walks me out of the bakery, helping me into the car.

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