
434 11 1

Very short btw I think

Y/N POV still:

I went to Soviet's room and opened my wardrobe.I picked out my clothes and undressed my current clothes.I heard loud footsteps coming right in front of the door and someone barged through the door.While I wasn't wearing anything on!


I threw a pillow at him and he got out,good thing is he didn't took a picture of it.What the fuck am I thinking about I need to change before someone else comes in.

Eh this will do.I quickly put my clothes on and done my hair into a messy bun.Shit my neck!What do I do,it's all covered in hickeys?!By that stupid whore!I don't have any clothing that will cover my neck.Wait,I know!I will wear Soviet's turtleneck,hope he doesn't mind.
(omg that was so cringe BAHHAAH)

Jeez this thing is massive,it's like a dress for me.I guess I will tuck it to make it a bit short.

I tucked it under and it's was now down to my hips.

(Y/N)"That will do."

I sighed and went out of the room to see Soviet lying on the floor sobbing.

(Soviet)"You took forever..!"
(Y/N)"Chill I only stayed there for a few minutes."

He then grabbed my legs and continued sobbing.Did this dude drank too much vodka?

(Russia)"Dad drank some vodka,if you were wondering what the fuck is wrong with him."
(Soviet)"SON!I miss you as well!"
(Y/N)"Im gonna go outside for a bit uh talk to you later!"

I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door that leads outside.Obviously.Birds singing peacefully,bumblebees buzzing around sniffing flowers,small breeze blowing at me.Feels like my world.. exactly my world..

Maybe I should get back?No I'm not coming home.I love it here.Let's just continue walking around and not think about my world..

Soviet POV:


Where the fuck is she?Oh russia is coming to me.

(Russia)"Y/N went outside to walk."
(Soviet)"WITHOUT ME?"
(Russia)"Yes without you,your too drunk to go out."
(Soviet)"Well I don't care,I'm going outside."
(Russia)"If you say so.But let me help you,your gonna fall of the stairs."

Russia hold my arm and we took the down the stairs step by step.We got down and we walked outside.

(Russia)"Ok,now go find her.I'm not coming."
(Soviet)"Ugh your so damn lazy Russia."
(Soviet)"You did not tell me to shut up did you?"

He then ran back inside and left me here.Ugh whatever I don't need him.I can find my sweetheart myself.Now,which way did she went?


I guess I'll go back now-What is that person doing running around like a fucking chicken screaming?Is that..Soviet?Yes it is.Oh shit there is a cliff near by.Hope he doesn't fall down and he is about to do it.Wait..NO!


I quickly ran as fast as I can to get Soviet.I wasn't even close but I can see him about to jump down.I started to ran faster.


He then turned around and smiled.

(Soviet)"Y/N!There you are my sweetheart.Why are you mad?"
(Y/N)"You nearly jumped off the cliff!Now come on.Your drunk,you need to sleep it off."

He then ran up to me but tripped over.He laid face flat on the floor while I stared at him.

(Y/N)"Yeah uh I'm carrying you home."

I picked him up and nearly broke my bones.This dude was heavy as fuck.I mean he is bigger then me so that's why.I walked through the long grass while he was groaning loud.

(Y/N)"What's wrong?"
(Soviet)"My stomach hurts."
(Y/N)"Oh poor you.Don't tell me your gonna throw up on me."

After what I heard,I started to run again.

(Soviet)"Hey why are you running?"
(Y/N)"Not getting a single vomit on me."

After running and arrived to the house.

Finally we arrived.I went upstairs to put Soviet to bed since that big red head is asleep.He started to moan quietly.

(Y/N)"What's wrong again?"
(Soviet)"My stomach-"
(Y/N)"I will make you something to eat.Ok?"
(Y/N)"Ok now take a nap while I can make you something."

I kissed his forehead and left the room.That drunk weirdo.Wait what does he like?Oh well I'm making
ворщ.I'm pretty sure he likes it.


797 words

Told ya it's short

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now