Oh no.. +Why did you do that Ukraine..?

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Oh shit what have I done!?I mean he kinda deserves that but still I'm gonna get in so much trouble!!I bumped into someone and he was pissed.Germany.

(Germany)"I heard that you shot my dad,why?"
(Y/N)"Im sorry I-"
(Germany)"I said why,not apologise."
(Y/N)"He did what America did but he did it to me not Russia."
(That doesn't make sense lol)

I was scared,my heartbeat was pounding faster and faster and couldn't speak very well.

(Germany)"He wasn't joking.."
(Y/N)"What?!What did he say to you about??"
(Germany)"I'm not gonna say the rest but he said that he will do something to you to make you his.I'm sorry but shot him..?Trust me you will regret that,he will do much worst."
(Y/N)"Like what..?"
(Y/N)"Germany your freaking me out,what will he do to me?Im getting scared now.."
(Germany)"Just guess,I will give you hints."

I just nodded.

(Germany)"You sometimes die from it."
(Germany)"What?Keep guessing.Many women's mostly gets it."
(Germany)"First of all,you can't die from periods and second of all that's kinda true but still wrong.Ok I will tell you after the last hint.It's a sexual assault."

The moment I was thinking I then realised.I nearly got rape for the first time from him and now I'm gonna get it again?!.Heh time for my secret weapon.(Pulls out AK-47)

(Germany)"You get it?"
(Y/N)"Yes.I'm not scared now."
(Germany)"Then why is your face like that?"
(Y/N)"Like what?" 

He handed me a mirror.
Oh.I stayed quiet and walked to Soviets bedroom door and he shouted,

(Germany)"Oh uh just to be aware,he won't wear a condom so there might be a chance  of you getting pregnant by him."


There is no fucking way that this weird dude is gonna get me pregnant,I'm gonna commit suicide.How?Never mind.

I went inside to Soviets room and lay flat on his cozy,warm,massive bed.Someone came into the room.Shit.

Oh never mind again it's only Russia.

(Y/N)"Hey Russ,uh why are you here..?"
(Russia)"I've been looking for you and you was in Mr Reich's room?!"
(Y/N)"I was looking for you since you took forever and he just made me blacked out by hitting me or injecting me something."
(Russia)"Man dad did a bad job protecting you,anyways give me your arm,there is literally blood everywhere on dad's bed."
(UK)"You two really forgot that I was there?"
(UK)"Ok..Anyways thanks for bandaging my leg,I can try help you with Y/N,if you want Russia?"
(Russia)"I guess someone can help me,also mom this is gonna be so fucking painful so good luck."
(Y/N)"Aw shit-"
(UK)"You two needs some manners."
(Y/N)"And you need some more hair,your starting to look like my bald dad."
(UK)"Hey I have hair!Its all under my hat."
(Y/N)"Well then grow some more,then you won't look bald."
(UK)"I hate you."
(Y/N)"I hate you more~"

I noticed that UK was blushing.

(Y/N)"Wait why are you blushing and aren't you married?"
(UK)"Oh yeah sorry,we kinda got a divorce years ago."

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now