We will meet again one day..

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~The Next Day~


Oh shit.Wait it might not happen yet.Oh well we will just se-

(Y/N)"Huh?Oop it happened."

I quickly ran downstairs to see Third attacking Poland.

(Poland)"Please Y/N,help-"
(Third)"Don't help him.He is a useless bastard!If you even try to help him,your next."
(Y/N)"Oh I'm sorry Poland.."
(Poland)"WHAT YOUR-"
(Poland)"Ouch dude.Oh no I'm breaking apart!"

I sawed Poland face turned into cracks and Third smirked.

(Third)"Don't worry I'm only having 50% of your land."
(Poland)"Oh at least I have land."
(Third)"And Soviet is gonna have the other 50%!"
(Third)"We had an agreement yesterday."
(Y/N)"Oh no.."
(Third)"Now I need to get something.Come here bastard!"

He then dragged Poland and I couldn't do anything.I rushed to UN's office and told him about something.

(Y/N)"UN!Can I go back to my world just for something real quick?"
(UN)"What why?Are you sure your coming back?"
(Y/N)"Yes I'm sure and I then remember something that I need to collect."
(UN)"Fine but can one of the country come with you?"
(Y/N)"Well they are having war."
(Y/N)"Yes Third and Soviet is attacking Poland and created WW2."
(UN)"Well do you want me to come?I can't do anything about war and stuff.Wait,Russia can come!"
(Y/N)"You sure he mind?"
(UN)"Yeah!Here.But I will come as well though."
(Y/N)"Ok,do you want me to go get Russia now?"

I quickly went out of the room and rushed upstairs.I opened Russia's door and he was just resting there.

(Y/N)"Hey Russ?Do you want to come with me to my world?"
(Russia)"Well I don't know.Dad is gonna have war and I'm scared to join."
(Y/N)"Oh right I forgot about the Ukraine-Russian war."
(Russia)"What do you mean the Ukraine-Russian war?"
(Y/N)"You see,I am from the future of 2023.I know when WW1 or WW2 will start and in 2022,your government is gonna invade Ukraine."
(Russia)"Is it still happening?"
(Russia)"Oh ok.I guess I can come anyways."
(Y/N)"Oki doki.Come,UN is coming with us."

We both left the room and sawed UN waiting for us.We all went outside and went somewhere,where no one is here.

(UN)"Ok,you ready?"

He then created a portal.

(Y/N)"Ok by the way,if we go to my world then you need to hide your face.We don't want scientist testing you and might get you killed.I guess I will have to put makeup on you two."
(UN)"Ok in 3."




We all jumped in the portal and felt weird.After a few minutes of travelling we all then felled down.Me and UN felled down on the ground while we couldn't find Russia.

(Y/N)"Where did Russia go?"
(Russia)"Over here!"

We both looked up to see him stuck in a tree.Good thing is that I can climb trees.I started to climb on the tree where Russia is and grabbed his hand.We both walked down the tree and they both looked surprised

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now