Soviets home

911 13 27

Warning:Some stuff that kids shouldn't read😨

I woke up again and checked the time.
(Y/N)"2:30 PM? Usually someone must wake me up earlier."
I heard someone opened the door and went closer to me.It was Russia.
(Russia)"Hey uh my dad told me if you were awake.I wasn't sure so I came here to check up on you."
(Y/N)"Oh ok ruski.I thought someone would have woken me up earlier."
(Russia)"The thing is that everyone tried to wake you up but you was deep asleep so we gave up and let you sleep for a while."
(Y/N)"I need to change my sleep schedule.Then I might not keep getting woken up by random tall countries."
(Russia)"Whatever anyways do by any chance my dad fucked you?"
(Y/N)"What a weird way to start a conversation Russia.Of course not."
(Russia)"You sure?"
(Y/N)"Yes I am."
(Russia)"Your very very sure?"
I stared at him in disappointment and he giggled.
(Y/N)"Why did you ask?You want a demon?"
(Russia)"What no!Im just asking."
I looked down at the floor then Russia said something.
(Russia)"By the way your going in a minute so get ready."
I nodded and got up.Russia left the room and I realised that I don't really have anymore clothes.All I was wearing a F/C (favourite colour) jumper and some black leggings.I guess I'm going clothes shopping after staying in Soviets house then.Someone knocked the door and I let them in.It was Japan.
(Japan)"Hey Y/N!I am gonna give you some of mine clothes since you don't really have any."
(Y/N)"Hey Japan!Thank you for the clothes."
(Japan)"Your welcome!"
Japan left the room and I tried some of her clothes.The good thing is that they fit me but it a little bit showing most of my body.I didn't really care.I went downstairs to see UK,Soviet,Australia and Third Reich having nose bleeds and fainted.
(Ukraine)"Yeah I think you are our new mom now Y/N."
(Y/N)"What do you mean?"
(Ukraine)"Nothing actually.The clothing is a bit you know.Showing too much of your body and then boys will sexually harass to you.Try my clothes."
(Japan)"Aw but it looks so good on her.Please just let her keep that."
(Ukraine)"Sure,if you want her to get rape and could get killed from it.Trust me there is a lot of countries that rapes other countries.Don't know why."
Japan stayed quiet.
(Japan)"I didn't thought of that."
Ukraine gave me her clothes and I tried them on.Yet again it fits on me and it kinda cozy.Soviet,Uk,Australia and third Reich got up and cleared of the blood that's coming through there nose.Ok how many countries likes me?
(Soviet)"Ok Y/N,let's go."
Soviet grabbed his car keys and we both went outside.He turned on his car and drove off.While we were in the car,I noticed a picture.A really old picture.I picked it up to see Soviet and a random country by the looks of it.That's the picture of them 2 getting married.They seem a loving family.I wonder why they spit up.
(Soviet)"What are you looking at?"
I jumped and stuttered.
(Y/N)"Oh um I uh was l-Looking at a random picture."
(Soviet)"Of what?"
(Y/N)"By the looks of it you and a random country getting married.You two looked like a perfect family.Why did you split up?"
(Soviet)"Oh her."
I also noticed that Soviet started to tear up."
(Y/N)"Oh Soviet I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry."
(Soviet)"Sorry,it just that it's a long time ago and I can't believe she done that to me and our kids.I also can't believe I've done that to them after she left.I'm a monster."
(Y/N)"No your not Soviet."
I stayed silence.Oh for fuck sake Y/N I should have stayed quiet and not looked at that picture.
(Y/N)"Let's just forget that this happened."
Soviet nodded and continued driving.

Half an hour we arrived.The house was a massive one.
(Y/N)"A massive house with only one people?!"
(Soviet)"Haha yeah well some people come in here and sometimes stays there."
I nodded and went inside.
(Soviet)"Just to let you know I have a lot of kids-"
Some kids came and hugged Soviet.
(???)"DAD!I miss you."
(Soviet)"I missed you too Estonia."
(Estonia)"Who is this girl?And why she doesn't look like us?"
(Soviet)"Oh um she is just a friend of mine and the reason why she doesn't look like us is uh.She is a rare country.Well she is a human."
(Estonia)"A human?Oh I thought she will hurt us because you Said that humans are dangerous."
(Soviet)"Some are and some not.She isn't a dangerous one."
Estonia left the room and I sat in silence.
(Y/N)"How many kids do you have?"
(Y/N)"Dude how many times did you have sex with yo ex wife?"
Soviet glared at me then smiled and giggled.
(Soviet)"It getting late,the kids are going to bed now.Don't want demons in this house.Already got Ukraine Belarus and Russia being demons."
I looked at the time and holy shit time is going fast. It is already neatly 6.
(Y/N)"Wasn't is like 3 o clock?"
(Soviet)"Times is really going fast these days."
Soviet ran upstairs I think to get the kids to go to sleep.I sat down in one of the chairs and waited for him.After a few minutes he finally got them to sleep and went downstairs to me.
(Y/N)"Now that your kids are asleep,what do you want to do?"
(Soviet)"I normally sit down and rest but now I'm with you we can do something else."
I remember about him grabbing some sort of wrapper and he didn't told me that.
(Y/N)"Oh by the way why did you grab some sort of wrapper?"
(Soviet)Oh uh it um-"
(Y/N)"You picked up a condom didn't you~?
(Soviet)"Yes I did.What why you want to do it ?"
(Y/N)"If you want to~."

(Can't believe I'm doing this)

Soviet grabbed me and went into his room.He placed me in his bed.
(Soviet)"If you want to lose your virginity then get n@ked then."
I started to undress my self then Soviet came to me and did it for me.He also undressed himself and grabbed a condom.
(Soviet)"Are you sure you want to lose your virginity darling~?"
(Y/N)"I'm sure~."
He then opened the condom with his sharp teeth and puts it in his cock.He came closer to me and puts his cock through my asshole.DAMN IT!IT HURTS.It's so tight~.
I kept moaning so loud and then I realised there was some blood stain.It staring to get even more painful but I didn't care.After a few seconds I felt a warm liquid inside the condom.

Estonia POV

What the hell am I hearing?Is dad having the thing?Again?!Whatever I'm gonna be that kid and check on what there doing.Wait..Am I having a new mom?A hotter one?
(Lithuania)"Regret hearing this Estonia?"
(Estonia)"Yep,Hopefully he is wearing a protection."
(Lithuania)"Wait.How do you know what those are called?"
(Estonia)"I don't know but I'm gonna check on them."
(Lithuania)"You will regret seeing it."
I ignored Lithuania and left the room.The moaning stopped and I went in.
(Estonia)"Dad why are you and that human making noises?"
I looked at them feeling disgusted.Well at least I know how sex work.I'm gonna tell my teacher tomorrow then.She is gonna be so proud.The human looked at me then looked down.
(Estonia)"I guess that human is our mom now.Right dad?"
(Dad)"Uh we don't know about that now GET OUT!"
I closed the door and went in to my room well all of my siblings room.
(Lithuania)"Regret what you have seen?"
(Lithuania)"Go to sleep then you might forget this."
I nodded and went in my bed.I then drifted off to sleep.

Don't even question of what I have done.
1398 words.

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora